One comment thinks he’s a professional body guard
Another doesn’t realize that tensions r high and she’s still somewhat of a kid
Then there’s the one that doesn’t realize this problem is quite huge in Japan so yes it’ll evidently come up in a cookie cutter format in many mangas
And one saying he’s treating her like the usual idolfag/preachy cringe shit
Preachy cringe? Sure, man’s played devils advocate (in albeit a shit situation) to get some understanding for a sentence or 2 and it’s preaching cringe
The idolfag comment ig has some actual sustenance to it but would still disagree though that’s ig a matter of perspective at that point
I’d agree he handled it like shit but treating her like an idolfag? No he quite literally said, not in that manner, not to love every Individual fan like that, but the fact that she’s not being sincere; similar to if Taylor Swift tomorrow was found to be someone with a putrid hate for females and that was just her persona, wouldn’t sit too well with her female fans now would it? Even the non stalker ones……..
Sure, an entertainer provides that specific bit of entertainment, finishes, goes home, gg no strings attached that’s their job; but being insincere doesn’t sit well with people, and like it or not, even if it’s not a direct part of ur job the entertainment (as a whole regardless of the specific form of entertainment) business has a ton of aspects to it that have to be taken into consideration. Should they have to? Not necessarily, is it like that? Yes, and being insincere with the people who support u and treating them just like ur paycheck when that’s not what ur portraying comes of as both non correlated and correlated at the same time
“I love reading this shit”, I’m saying the same about ur comment………….
Not to mention, there’s this thing called progress, and this thing allows for characters to not always be in the right for every gajibillion shit that goes on in their life