It's Not Meguro-san's First Time - Vol. 1 Ch. 10 - That's What You Call Love

Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
He just went and did, good.
But seriously, this guy is pathetic.. It's hard to enjoy having to read his negative thoughts all the time.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
Do not open its a bucket of cold water
Wonder how many dicks shes sucked with those lips
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

I don't care about multiple partners thing. As you get older, you notice that PRETTY MUCH EVERYONE keeps saying they dated multiple people. Oh. . . . . okay, they virgins when they dated every single one. . . . . yeah sure bub.

That ain't the issue. The casual sex part however destroys suspension of disbelief because of how risky the reality is. Meguro would risked multiple Stds, probably botched birth control since teenagers mess up, risked pregnancy, as well as the fact she was being treated as an object. Oh and the pill is infamous for wrecking with hormones and can risk her health and making sex unpleasant which is awful, and since her old boyfriends were jerks, they probably weren't particularly nice or gentle, adding layers of ick to this.

And we get no explanation explaining WHY she took such big risks or accepted being treated as such. The explanation that she LIKED SEX or was an insecure girl would have worked WAY BETTER than, oh they were my boyfriend, then we immediately had sex. With her personality, I FIND IT REALLY REALLY hard to believe this would happen in real life would have ended up this way unless she actually a nymphomaniac. Which she ain't in the manga, YOU SEE WHAT I'M GETTING AT!
Nov 18, 2018
How he met her in the past was ok I guess. She was cute and nice to him.... that's it!
Was she already a used goods slut at this point?

Overall, the chapter was good. MC finally showing some initiative and taking the lead...., but i'm sure in the next chapter, he will be back to insufferable beta.

Volume 2 should be coming at the end of January, can't wait for that exciting, quality NTR drama with blond bishonen.

Well Meguro has had multiple boys use her as a cum-dump before...., so Koga just tongued every one of those dicks as well. LMAO. Can we get the comedy tag added?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
ell being a doormat isnt exactly strange in asian countries, and thats what shes been presented as, I wont outright defend her characterization, but we really have no more info about her past relationships aside from what she and people say.
A flashback would be informative, but I think that would really cause a lot of rage.

Dec 8, 2018
Because so much comment of Ntr or that is a whore; if you see the works manga of mangaka are all romances and without Ntr; also do not know if it is really virgin are only rumors said by others.
Also, why so much criticism if the protagonist is not a virgin, I believe you if we were in Japan, and also how many young people go out partying, dance with someone and ends with sex. We are already in the 21st century, because of that much problem
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Entryhazard Unfortunately, I don't think that's gonna help much or even show up at all. Moderating to that level would take a lot more effort and time than the laissez-faire "anything goes" moderation that lets the manga community fester and rot into what it mainly is now, and I don't think site admins think it's worth it or care. It'd be nice to have a good community with as few shit people as possible on probably the most popular manga scanlation site but that ship sailed a while back. Not much us users can do other than talk about the manga we like and use the ignore feature. Maybe a thread on the forum for people to talk about manga and share and let people know about new manga without the toxic garbage. I dunno. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Active member
May 5, 2018
Both of these characters are really lacking personality. I wonder if they'll develop personalities as this goes on or if they're just gonna stay fairly empty characters...
Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
At least he's taking more of the initiative. That's good =w=
Jan 18, 2018
I don't dare to read this manga anymore

Just came here for the comments.

BTW I read like 3chapters and I'm proud of Meguro for protecting her ear and nose holes. Keep em tight girl!
Power Uploader
Jan 21, 2018
@crazybars well.. she did not have "casual sex", i think of casual sex as sex without a relation and from what i understand she did had a relationship. Also you dont get STDs that fast, though i guess it depends where and who (ppl you meet at the club as example has higher risk... than high school folk).

My guess the reason.. history.. etc etc will come later. It will be a short manga if you already disclose that in the first few chapters.. cause in manga where the backstory is mentioned in the beginning, the start of the actual relationship is at the end (you know the typical generic romance.. boy meets girl... they get to know each other slowly... they hang out more and realize they like each other.. they start dating and kiss in one of the last chapters). This manga has the growth of the characters as its plot... at least thats what i think. So your questions will be answered eventually during the story progression.

@Entryhazard & @OniBarubary you can poke a mod on Discord... if you dont want to do that you can also just @ Lymus or Zephyrus here (like i do with your names). (There more mods.. but i know Lymus is most active)
Jul 25, 2018
aww man _anq - thanks for the great work as always!

This really is a pretty sweet manga. MC got some balls. MC Girl is weird but cute. I wonder how it will turn out? Will she finally come out of whatever shell she's hiding underneath?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2018
Once again The Penguinator, @_anq, has subdued a horde of backed-up chapters & scanlated them into respectability! Many thanks, & I'll keep checking what new projects you pick up.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2018
The torch is being passed? Well, I'm fine with it as long as Rotoscopic doesn't drop it. :)

Thanks, @_anq, for all the work so far! I look forward to the next series you pick up.
Sep 9, 2018
oh yeeeah! ????????
Finally! i little progress is good... this is the first step to be a man... no wait, i mean to be a better boyfriend!

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