It's Not Meguro-san's First Time - Vol. 5 Ch. 34 - This is the First Time

Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
@Richman I also thought it was weird, so i googled it and kinda surprised that "yuzu miso caramel" is actually a real thing xDDD

@DrHizzle Why would you say something like that about the comment section? Because """people""" have started comparing non-virgins with burgers with hepatitis and mold? Tch, you sure are being quite fussy over nothing...
Jun 10, 2018

Well, that was only two of them, but it's a fair point. We'll see how it'll be portrayed further down the line.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2020
When the manager was talking about all the different kinds of normal did she lowkey imply she was a lesbian? When she mentioned jokingly about seducing an employee
Aggregator gang
Sep 24, 2018
did the author actually try to justify being a cheating douchebag? lmaooo
Active member
Sep 17, 2019
Well I'm assuming he tells em, cuz he mentions that he tells some and says that some do accept him- SO I'm assuming that the girls whom he tells that do not accept, just leave him :0
Apr 12, 2020
1. No there not many "normals". There is only one "normal", that is simply the way distributions work. (As a physicist I prefer the terms norm and mean)
Now in most cases there is nothing wrong with not being "normal". Quite the opposite, all great people in human history were not "normal" in one way or the other, otherwise they wouldn't be great:)

2. That said, the Polyamorie that is sold as a different "normal" here is something I see very critically.
As others already pointed out, if all people involved were informed and ok with it, it should be okay.
BUT do you remember Meguro and the way she was treated by her sensei guy?
The girl may say and act like she is okay with it, simply being in denial because she wants to be with the guy.
Accepting being constantly hurt when he plays around, simply because she thinks there is no other way for her or that this behavior is normal.

In a nut shell, I am very doubtful of this polyamorie/polygamie, and the end of this chapter makes me afraid, the author is going to make Meguro polyamorous and Koga won't have the spine to say no.
Maybe he'll end up in the same position as Meguro end end up in a delusional joyless relationship.
Apr 24, 2020

Then again, this whole manga is about Koga and Meguro’s (especially hers) growth both as people and as lovers. They both had warped senses of reality due to their own experiences they brought on by themselves or brought onto them by others. They have to learn to trust in their feelings which they are slowly doing (e.g. them being to speak their mind in times of need). So when push comes to shove, I’m sure either one of them will do what needs to be done.

Meguro-san is just being exposed to more truths of the world and is being forced to learn that what is deemed the “norm” by others is solely based on what their situation, culture, and experience.

We can’t constrain it within a set population because that would be biased to the larger side, skewing the data. For example: If a theoretical thing would be considered the norm by every American and compare it to a contrast of that thing that every Japanese would consider the norm, wouldn’t the data be skewed towards the American side just because america has more than double the population of Japan?

That being said, I agree with you in a sense. I fear that this may go a route that won’t be pretty but I hope the author has enough decency to just let Koga and Meguro be together by themselves though I expect something to break soon.
Apr 12, 2020

I want to point out that the "norm" is not something that is simply defined by mysterious "others", but you are right it of course depends on the boundaries of the system for which you want to find (not define) the mean/norm.

Now I do not assume, though I am no expert on this, that ployamorie/polygamie is not the majority case for relationships in japan.

There is of course an evolutionary reason that certain behaviors/social structures are adopted by a majority of the people, which DOES NOT automatically leads to deviations of the norm being detrimental in some way. I mentioned this in my previous post.

BUT it also doesn't mean that every deviation is automatically fine and dandy.

What the term healthy relationship exactly includes in the end I do not know. But from personal experience and observation I assume that these poly-whatever relationships are not something that would work for most people.

In the young and impressionable state the characters of this manga find themselves in, I even think people like that cause a lot of harm.
He should try to think about how the other person feels. Is she really ok with it or just playing along?
Now he himself may not have the maturity for this, but the sensei dude should have known better.

My actual point is, that I disagree with this notion of many "normals". The rhetoric used, in my eyes, tends to make the actual "norm" appear like the wrong choice. Like there is actually something wrong with you if you just want the "normal" (relationship, job ...) for yourself.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that in this story Meguro is young and she got screwed over so she has to get her bearing on how she actually should interact with people.
But I am still worried in what direction this will go.
I would definitely not agree if the behavior of her sensei is normalized through her in some way.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
i don't think you have to worry too much about a bad end. the tone and consideration the author has been putting forward is pretty consistently geared toward understanding how other people may experience things, and that feeling differently about things isn't 'wrong'. If the tutor does show up again, Koga might try to 'defend her honor', but i dunno.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
Polyamory is a meme and polygamous relationships are always a mess, you cannot convince me otherwise. Friends with benefits have existed since the sexual revolution, giving it a Greek name doesn't make it any more legitimate.
Oct 17, 2019
I'm happy to see poly characters cause one of my most trusted friends is poly (even though they've never had more than one relationship at a time) so if you hate people in poly relationships well then screw you I guess (i didn't really have anything big to say there)
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
If you claim to love more than one person, you are either a liar, or your love isn't worth all that much. That's why I kind of dislike this character
Active member
Jan 7, 2020
As long as the girls aren't being deceived and they're ok with it, there is nothing wrong with this type of polygamous relationship. I swear any relationship that isn't your standard doki doki wholesome couple is "wrong". Learn some empathy y'all, there is no one way to do everything.
Dec 14, 2020
Yuuma basically adopting orphans, not exactly having a NORMAL harem, and just caring for them
But that logic falls apart when you consider he has women much older than him

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