It’s Time to Change the Genre - Ch. 103

Sep 18, 2020

Jesus, Judith is so fucking awesome. Best fake mother EVAR!

Franz is clearly an idiot, if the royal guards are already in the slums then the only way he's going to get out of any of this without being slaughtered by Reudiger is if he runs immediately. Judith is only useful as a hostage right now, and if he's in a position where he actually uses her as a hostage he's just completely exposed himself to both Reudiger and the royal family, at which point anything he has left in this kingdom is going to go up in smoke regardless of what he does with Judith. The best he could hope for is to survive long enough to be able to dispose of Judith somewhere out of sight before he's hunted down like the worthless dog scum he is. Better to run as far and as fast as he can, and find some completely unrelated country he can maybe try to hide in while he rebuilds some kind of power base . . . Though even then, Winterwald is powerful enough to hunt him down anywhere he is in the world, and they have the motivation to keep hunting until they find him, regardless of how long it takes.

But still! Judith! Awesome! Absolutely brilliant! Total chef's kiss! The only thing that might have been better would be if she stabbed him in the other eye, but given the risk of missing (given her presumably limited shanking experience), going for the largest target is definitely the right choice.
Leaderboard is as follows:

Franz's Hired hand: 0
Judith + High speed train combo: +1
Judith (against Isabella's arguments): +1
Judith (against Franz's guts): +1
Say what you will about Franz but atleast now we might be able to tell if he got the guts ;)
He's only going to have guts until Judith decides whether to use them as garters, or to garrotte Franz while he's still breathing.
Sep 18, 2020
I accept your proposal Franz, I hope you like pegging.

Prediction for next chap, Franz is still alive and holding a gun. Ruedigger is gonna show up just in time but either Judith or Luca will be non-fatally shot.
I suspect it'll be the gunshot that shows their location to Reudiger. But I'm going to guess that Franz will have missed completely, or will only manage to graze Judith - enough that Reudiger will kill him on the spot when he sees his beloved Judith bleeding, but not enough to do her any harm.

. . . I'm hoping. Franz is a worthless piece dog scum, but anyone holding a loaded gun is dangerous. The nice thing is that he's just been stabbed good and proper in the gut, which will mess with his chance of being able to aim, and that's a single-shot pistol - if he misses it'll make a nice club, but not much more.
Aggregator gang
Apr 28, 2024
Real talk though, Judith knows that Luca is hiding a lot and (also maybe has already grown up) and Luca knows she knows but they still cling to each other because they are family!!!!!!!
Active member
Aug 13, 2019
For a long moment, I thought Judith would threaten to kill herself for Luca's safety when I saw the missing knife - since all these plans are on the premise that she is even alive to do so (to give legitimacy by marriage, pushing blame to ML, etc.). Tho it's badass of her to directly stab (possibly kill) the villain and source of problems, I find it a bit stupid (but still not totally unreasonable, she's desperate) since they're surrounded by other people too who could easily overwhelm her and Luca soon after........ Hhhhhh

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