@Minkulus Proper "Government interest" means pump shitloads of sedative into the creature or tasing it to hell and then drop it in a maximum security testing facility which may or may not go wrong. If both options don't work and you just HAVE TO observe it. Drone cameras work to. Then kill it and kidnap their eggs before it hatches.
Letting it run wild eating citizens in a school and a skyscraper, and feeding it with humans once a day, letting it BREED in public and then let the eggs hatch without caring about the obvious safety AND public backlash?
Thats top tier
Government Negligence and Stupidity, not interest.
Cameraman? What's stopping the students from killing the cameraman? What do they even TELL the cameraman?
"Hey dude. We reaalllly need to know the lifestyle of this giant monster that eats people. Can we have you hang out with a bunch of kids and record everything in the danger zone while the uneducated masses sacrifice people one by one instead of have you record everything from the safety of a helicopter?"
No internet so the public knows nothing? As if. I don't believe there is nobody who secretly escaped from the city or sneak INTO the city and then leak said info into the outside world and those things are apparently already everywhere so it is even less likely the general public knows something.