kind of mid story,
i am in team ex girlfriend
and hell that MC is bro, its your fault you were such a person like that, it was your fault you were wimpy like that wtf are you to demean them? did you check that she was actually cheating? if you loved her, didnt you check it for a moment?
same goes for both of the girls, he didnt consider that and just assumed that they hate you NICE!
What the hell do you mean check if she's cheating??? If someone is saying they are cheating and there's no obvious tone indicating otherwise, of course he's gonna believe it and leave her. There's no point in reconfirming whether she loved him or not coz at the end of the day, she "cheated" in his mind and she never says otherwise even 4 months later.
He never demeans anyone, he just says what he knows is true and leaves them alone, she said she cheated on her, he says that to the rest of the class. He doesnt like what the maid girl has become, so obviously he voiced his discontent and leaves as he doesnt like the service anymore. He doesnt like what the junior was doing, so of course he said clearly to her what he felt. In fact HE was being demeaned.
And how is it his fault that he was being demeaned (to the point I would say sort of bullying) by the girls coz he was a wimp? It doesn't give them the right to do any of that shit. No way in hell should anyone bully someone just cause they can. You seem to think that people deserve the right to bully/harass certain wimpy people, sounds like you love seeing stories of people putting down other people as you want to see yourself as better than others, but you just sound like an asshole.
"Shouldn't he check if they loved them?" Tf are you on about, if someone is constantly harassing me no matter they be a boy or girl, the only thing in my mind would be that they are a bully/harasser and there is zero indication given to him that the other two ever loved him.
Maybe be a little more realistic. Mid ass comment.