Jichou shinai Moto Yuusha no Tsuyokute Tanoshii New Game

Dec 8, 2018
@lionfromnorth No NTR, it's just boring: just a MC who fucks everything that walks and girls magically getting wet for the MC. Some "hot" scenes are nice but might as well read a hentai, those often have more plot than this.


Group Leader
Jan 12, 2019
Lmao, the time when u have a chapter finished and ready to upload, yet the internet decides that it doesn’t want you to upload (internet has crashed and I’m writing from my phone on 4g).

Well played internet, well played.
Dec 22, 2018
I luv it here lol so what’s next will be end up with a demon queen waifu can’t wait for to find out.
Sep 6, 2019
Why do u retarded monkeys read this basic garbage done already a million times plot like my god I know it’s supposed to be wish fulfillment but come on have some common decency and go read something better
Power Uploader
Aug 11, 2020

All jokes aside, if people like this kind of stuff then what is the problem? Just shut the fuck up and stop complaining. Jeez, Mangadex userbase is filled with little girls who'll spam a 5 star rating the moment they see a bit of ecchi, but they are the same people to give some gay BL manga with no story a fucking 8 star, pathetic.
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2019
@Arin-san look here i'll give you a tip to read accurately the ratings on this site, any villainess stuff is almost always an 8.5+ so if it's lower than that run,unorginal isekai usually lands in a 6.5 and lower is either something with ntr in it or just bad art but usually i wouldn't trust the ratings for isekais (they're trashy by definition read whatever you want) any Chinese manhua that's under a 9 is usually either trashy af or a cultuvation plot mess with one piece amount of chapters, while in the case of korean manhwa if it's above an 8 it's probably a reincarnation one (yeah just by that attribute people give it that rating) but the ratings seems accurate from what i've seen (imo at least), also japanese stuff is clearly favored in terms of rating where a series deserving a straight up 5 would get a 6.5-7 just for being a manga and not a manhwa
Active member
Oct 16, 2018
Its always good to see someone raising their own value in their minds by insulting the reading preferences of others.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@Arin-san Eh I kinda half disagree with you on that. Yuri and yaoi Slice of Life/Moe shit can get an 8 if the characters are amusing and the atmosphere is comfy or cute. Hell the same thing happens straight slice of life/moe ones. Problem with a lot of ecchi isekais is that they are carbon copies of one another. Plus when the protagonist is a cringe lord it doesn't help. People will typically prefer comfy content over isekia power fantasies. I do see the disparity, considering neither of those types of manga are very serious or incredibly well written works. Its just that isekai power fantasies are so overdone that people just fucking despise the genre at this point. If you don't add anything unique to the table, its just stale. Nothing wrong with liking it tho, it is popcorn entertainment after all. We all have our own guilty pleasure manga. Whether its comfy yuri/yaoi or isekai harem power fantasies at the end of the day, the vast majority of it is below an 8 so who gives a fuck.
Mar 28, 2020
This Work might be quite trashy, but it's the good kind of trashy. Art is good and the waifus are cute, can't really complain.
Before people complain to me: I have been reading Manga for 1-4h daily for the last 8 years so yeah, You don't only have to read 8.5 rated series. Check badly rated ones in a while and be surprised how many may actually be to your liking.

Also, thanks to Wu for picking this up!
Sep 6, 2019
Thank you TIS for doing god's work and allowing us to eat this high quality garbage!
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 28, 2020
honestly most of the rating done on this and similar sites seems to be done for emotional or ideological reasons which us very wrong... as those ratings would be subjected to change in accordance to the latest fads
as such stories with strong female leads get currently undeserved boni and stories about males following their desires and lower halfs get points deducted just for existing...-.-

this story is quite refreshing in comparison to the usual impotent and flipfloppy isekai harem mc's
also even if mostly through the insistence of the harem the mc doesnt just provide bandaid type help but takes care of issues quite thoroughly
dont expect any kind of deep plot or attachment to it or the charackters.

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