Good riddance, thank fuck the old man is dead. Let's not twist this and make him a martyr, he objected verbally for a mere second and then did nothing and literally took the boy to his death. By some miracle the MC survived but the old guy condemned him to an eternity of suffering.
The MC saying "I thought he had abandoned me but that's not true" is the most deluded load of crap ever. He did abandon him. Just because he didn't feel great about it, it doesn't negate the fact that he did abandon him. Even if in the next chapter it turns out the master expected the MC to survive (which seems very unlikely), he still abandoned him. Everything would've been better if he just threw the kid out of town and told him to run but under no circumstances is what that shitty person had done acceptable. I'm glad this is 1000 years later and he has long since ceased to exist.