Why do Filipinos exist?
Their accent is overwhelmingly horrible, they base their success based off their equally shitty neighbors (how good their english is among other things).
All they do is party, drink, and commit crimes and then eventually get a job as a shitty nurse or joins the United States Navy to due to connections. They're a plague that is eroding the already shitty U.S. Military. They dress like blacks and their culture is a direct copy of America. They copy American T.V. shows, movies, and music. They try so depeserately hard to be cool, but it's hard to be when you're 5'2" and have a 3 inch dick. Filipino goblins, I mean... females... also are trashy and out of shape. They're extremely stupid and every filipino has the same ugly fat goblin nose.
If you're Filipino and reading this please kill yourself. Your inferior genes suck, superior women don't want to marry you. No one wants short, smelly, shitskinned, fake asian, fake american, stupid, and uneducated genes in their pool.
You've invented nothing, you've conquered nothing, you just kill each other and party wasting your shitty lives away. You're like vermin, infesting every job in the world and letting your buddies in to halt the production even more so you can have enough money to drink more. You idolize Americans so much you try to marry them so bady.
You're more brainwashed than Americans with your faggot catholicism. No ass, no tits, short, ugly skin, out of shape.
Fuck the Phillipines.