If the sister just wanted to be with her brother, she shouldn't have made a retarded worthless bet, her brother would be at the top in literaly one game if he wanted to, her part of the bet was worthless so she only stood to lose.
You know what's gross? Spider..
You know what's even grosser? Squashing huge spider like that bare handed...
I mean props to you, but why would you do that??
@Lord-Raine yup I totally agree with you and I find it hard to understand that why people fail to comprehend that at the end of the day a smart human is also a human and if you know where to press to hurt them, they will crumble like any other person and Mizuha did exactly that
Maybe don't bet your relationship on an unnecessary game? That stupidity really makes it hard to give a crap about the loss, especially when her brother is obviously going to fix things.
Tbh im getting kind of bored with this. Its pretty bad. Story makes absolutely no sense and the characters arent even a bit likeable.
For example MC would be a lot more likeable if he actually acted on 'not wanting to play games' by like. Actually not playing games ? And so much more but ypu get my point.