Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou Deshita? - Vol. 3 Ch. 17.2 - By The Lake (Part 2)

Fed-Kun's army
Oct 30, 2018
Actually genetic modification isn't as bad as giving AI free will.
Genetic Modification can always be corrected by evolution.
Its been shown by the things we do genetically modify.

Example, Chickens are genetically modified. If they are not taken care of, they would be wiped out by natural selection, hence why you don't see wild chickens.
Another Example are Pigs. If you leave pigs in the wild long enough, they will grow tusks and turn into Boars.
Lastly is Grain.
If you modify plants and turn them into invasive species, they will eventually destroy the ecosystem and reset the entire area for evolution to restart.

The moment a AI uses "I" and follows with "am" you need to get ready to hit that delete button ASAP.
There is no way to control AI which has free will, and most likely after its attained free will, trying to get rid of it hypothesized massive danger.
Matrix + Irobot + Star Trek + Stargate
By the time it has free will, your best recourse is not to get rid, but would be to assimilate.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 7, 2018
I mean, the clone's not useful as it's made of barriers, it'd be his skill interacting with itself not a living organism.
Mar 16, 2019
@aigomorla ah yes but genetic modification does also include man made virus's which is what alot of world leaders are more terrified of than AI, people are worried a suicidal scientist will make a super virus to kill himself and kill everyone on the planet lol (This was a thing before corona just clarifying.)

But genetic modification also includes humans modifying other humans, which is quite a scary concept. (This was the main thing I was thinking of rather than food and animals, after all they already successfully made a pig-man hybrid.) Real like chimera's man. Scary.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 5, 2019
Still playing for laughs the constant human rights abuse of the clone... think I’m done with this series
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 23, 2018
THis whole "Clone" thing has gotten stupid. He's just supposed to be a fake made of barrier magic. A good fake but still just something made to take the MC's place. Why is IT this smart? Why is it able to defy the MC and refuse orders? That's like Naruto's shadow clones refusing to jump into danger because they'd die.

Sure there are a few time Naruto's shadow clones show a slim amoung of free will. But it's only at the level of MIrroring Naruto's will. Ultimately they are simply clones that can and will die for Naruto's sake.

That is how the MC's barrier clone should work. Not just because it's more logical but because it doesn't make much sense otherwise.

But to hell with that lets make fun of abuse and human rights violations against a clone by making it just as sentient as the original. Really kinda shows the writer is prioritizing throw away gags over any semblance of sensible writing.
Active member
Jul 2, 2020
What a damn useless clone, if it's me i would kill him in the first place and never considered to make it again. I would be really mad if that clone actually made a progress with any heroine in this series..
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
The thing MC is probably forgetting is that the cabin is suppose to be his private home away from home where can be alone and veg out without being interrupted much. With the door there not only Frey and Char, but anybody can go to and fro from the main house to his cabin instantly without walking. Especially since he also forgot to put a lock on the door.

@jagfanbb Thou canst not hate yonder clone without hating the MC as well. MC has mentioned several times that clone has same mind, personality, etc. as him so part of the reason clone acting so grumpy and refusing to obey orders is because MC keeps dumping stuff doesn't want to do onto the clone who doesn't want to do it either. Look at the 17.3 to see why doesn't make more clones.
Double-page supporter
Dec 24, 2019
If a clone which only purpose of existing is to obey it's master -does not, and even actually protests back, has no meaning/use anymore. (At least to a owner with balls and brains) These skits with the clone aren't even funny.
That clone is supposed to be (some what) intelligent, yet it can't think ahead of the consequenses of him not doing the things that the original asks every so seldomly.. That's plainly suicidal.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2019
Probably the fact that as soon as he reached through there was no point in harassing the clone.
Double-page supporter
Nov 12, 2018
LOL did the clone just staring at google homepage??
shit i can't stop laughing reading that page
Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2019
Why not simply toss some little critter like a mouse or a rat through it to see if it works?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 15, 2020
The clone has more personality than this fucker, fuck enough, Dropped

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