So, few possibilities for the next arc...
1. Continue with the story at the Higashikata estate. It will probably lead to some inter-family conflict between them, which would probably explain just how things ended up the way it was in Chapter 83. Though considering everyone looks way too calm in chapter 83, either it's gonna be a retcon or there's some more mindf*ckery stuff going on.
2. Go back to the TG University Hospital with Josuke and show him confronting the Head Doctor with whatever plan he has. Though considering that the head doctor showed up in this chapter, which is chronologically after Josuke in the last one...does this mean that Josuke failed, or is he gonna arrive at the very last moment?
3. Both, but constantly switches back and forth.
Few questions:
1. Kaato?
2. Tooru?
3. Is Yasuho gonna be the Gyro of this part? I mean Araki hasn't stopped killing off endearing characters in the past, but I'm hoping this will be the exception...or at least, let her do something before she goes out...but I'm really hoping that since this is taking place in Morioh Cho again, it will be another Okuyasu situation...