@Chizan That may as well be as vague a statement as "Sure, bro". Your insinuation that they explicitly supported it has no basis.
Not to mention that there's a vast gulf between "their goal", "their motivation for being in a band" (both claimed repeatedly)... and agreeing with someone's offhand comment, made in a moment of exuberance. By this logic, if someone yells "I like ice cream!" and I shout "Yeah!" in response, that proves I spend every waking moment plotting to get ice cream and if I ever eat anything else I'm a failure.
Just because you can't find anything else on the wooden floor, doesn't mean everything revolves around that single straw of hay in the corner...
Chekov's straw. XD
And it's not even true. There are repeated references to the other two being unwilling to accept a guy in the band because they hate guys.
4:7-9 Ageha suggests a guy joining and they joke about killing him or castrating him. She thinks "It's obvious they can't stand guys either!" - as opposed to "Of course! It would ruin our sole motivation of making a girl band to empower girls."
4:25 (Ageha to Pochi) "But... you're a guy, and both the other members of the band, Kotori and Tsubasa, hate guys... or rather, that's what makes us get along with each other..."
8:12 (Kotori to Pochi) "The three of us all hate men for various reasons, though. It'll be a serious matter if a guy joins us."
Funny thing is, if someone were to contend that the writer frequently paints themself into a corner and then just walks out, tracking paint everywhere? I'd agree. Specifically with respect to this subject, no less. The writer invents godawfully-contrived circumstances to doom Ageha's original plan (to get Kotori and Tsubasa to accept Pochi as a guy - which could never happen according to ghdjsdfskfgb, who somehow knows them better than Ageha) to failure. First <They both separately mistake him for a molester on the same day she's going to introduce him, but somehow find out the truth, but he doesn't know that>, then <They run into a stranger in their club room, suddenly decide to strip in front of 'her' not knowing it's Pochi, and snuggle him in their underwear>. (>_<)
(And that's not even mentioning the giant WTF? of Ageha flying to America and her parents don't care because reasons, running into caricatures of 'America is a crime-ridden wasteland' who are about to do awful things to her, fleeing into the one building in New York City she happened to be looking for, and learning the True Meaning of Music. Or
anything about the super-loli megastar "Mikay".)
But "the writing is often contrived" would have been one thing, and "the writing specifically makes X their reason for existence" is another.
I don't even doubt that this
could be
part of Kotori and Tsubasa's motivations. It would make sense if there were any evidence for it. But in a manner reminiscent of "
The Blind Men and the Elephant", huirsgheruitheriuds seized on this notion and decided that "This marvel of an elephant / Is very like a FAN!"