Jui-san no Oshigoto in Isekai - Ch. 35 - His Eminence's Negotiations

Dex-chan lover
May 24, 2018
"Oh you don't want to accept my term? I guess you guys can die from the plague instead"

How fucking hard for you to do that? When you even have a fucking dragon backing you up and will rampage on your command no one will pick a fight with you
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

well mostly because he is altruistic, it's also why he dont go around stabbing people :p
i agree that the one who summoned him is putting little effort in supporting him, but that could be for lots of reasons.
everything from political pressure to previous experience with more " independent" summoned heroes.

because they know he is a "good guy" and would never actually live up to that threat.
Aggregator gang
Dec 27, 2018
The problems here for everyone saying he should go in strong-arming it to force them to accept his terms are:

1) The information Kuina gave him should've told him that if the merchant guild didn't bite then the other guilds wouldn't. I don't know why he was acting surprised about that. He had days to read over what Kuina wrote down for him.
2) He had days to plan a method of attack for perhaps getting them to negotiate close to what he wanted. There was never any guarantee or never is a guarantee in a negotiation that you're going to get exactly what you want.
3) Why was he the only one in the negotiation? Why didn't he get Chloe to ask Kuina to attend if Kuina is aware of the importance.
4) If Kuina is aware of the importance, I get she wants to hold on to her grudge, but this would have obviously been a character development point for her. Yes, she wrote everything up, but only when he left the room. This shows that she's being a bit childish at this point about the grudge and it's not so much just about grief. She admits he's not the fault, but she admits she's holding him at fault just because she wants to so she can have someone to hold at fault because she thinks that will keep her friend's memory alive. The author should've had Chloe say something to her about this.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Hydra is a small outskirt city, isn't it? If the merchants there don't wanna do it, why not just bring it to another town? They can distribute it all the same. Not to mention you could just ask the prince to nationally produce it, seeing as how he was so concerned about his citizen's lives in the earlier chapters.
May 8, 2019
@introvertchild Yeah, I don't quite understand the distribution of power in the kingdom. MC is also supposed to be super important and have a lot of influence, but no one seems to give a shit about what he says or does.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@BestBoy He feels like the worst person for her to hold that grudge against, if her problem is at all how she described it this chapter. She's doing it because she wants at least one person to keep remembering Nora? He's probably the only person from that little expedition who's still bothered by what happened. Pick literally any of the people she'll still talk to right now but treated Nora and themselves like throw away pawns during that, he doesn't need extra fuel to power his own guilt trip. It's self sustaining.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
This world just begs for professional revolutionary unique person. It's wierd how even fantasy reformators are not that rare of a sight, but there is noone who will go for socialist revolution to overthrow those moldy feudals.
Mar 10, 2018
Small Brain: Help and fully support the person that's trying to save/improve the country you live in

Big Brain: Swindle him
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
question.. isn't he associated to the royals? why with this bullshit? forgetting something?
Group Leader
Jan 23, 2018
@Disguised22 This kind of thing seems rampant in these "politics-oriented" manga, where the main character should hold all the power in a situation but the author seems to ignore that and trap the MC in manners conundrums where they're afraid to offend anyone, even though nobody ever seems to be afraid of offending them. See also Risou no Himo Seikatsu. It's basically lazy storytelling to easily create problems for an overpowered MC.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Seems like all the "his eminence" business is good for is to allow him to meet those guild bosses. That's it. They give him zero face. But of course that makes sense since they are professionals at exploiting every weakness their opponent shows. And Kazami naturally shows a whole lot of those. In addition to that, how is he even going to make sure the merchants obey the contract? They will cheat immediately, given a chance.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 29, 2018
@kuzunagi13 First, your point kuzu - authority does not exist without enforcement. If you don't kill people who break the law (usually in the metaphorical / financial sense, but not always) then nobody gives a shit what's written on a piece of paper. If the royals you mention won't swing that sword, then everyone will sit there and screw them left right and center with impunity. See: the government bailout of the banks with the USA 2008 recession.

@omnilynx - You don't understand what you're looking at. The MC is entirely at the mercy of the merchants; all his lofty plans are worthless without a large production base, his medicine will never be used by people who distrust it, and he doesn't have the spine or the knowledge to defend himself if they want to backstab him. He is entirely dependent on other people to preserve his life and accomplish his goals; these merchants are perceptive enough to see that. They just need to keep the MC off balance like this for another 12-24 hours, and they win.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Rereading this chapter doesn't make that so called negotiation any less ugly to read. It's anyone's guess why Kazami is even trying to handle it personally. He's from Japan, a highly capitalistic country, so surely he should know what big businessmen are like. He has seen enough of this new world to know abuse of power and position are far more likely than in Japan, making things ever worse. I guess he has let his head grow too big. Liz is badmouthing him occasionally, but apparently it has produced no effect. Kuina refusing to even talk to him hasn't made him realise his failures either. Maybe he's hopeless? He should concentrate on research and treatment and leave all negotiating to those with at least a little bit of talent for it. With his zero talent and doormat personality, it's no good.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 14, 2024
he can just agree to let them pay for the recipe for one medicine.
just write one and don’t let them complain, like naproxen: microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, iron oxides, povidone and magnesium stearate. Tell Them if they want to know what’s that it’s 1 gold for 1 letter and then go to another merchant.
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