Just Leave Me Be - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

Sep 22, 2018
@scarlet_summer So barely knows anything about him since he kept that dang mask on all the time, and while one might call it lucky one could also call it creepy that he is still so persistent about it. And to a very big degree it is creepy however nicely you slice it because she has no idea why he's so persistent in the first place. And his reputation is what it is, to a large degree the rumors about him do make him out to be worst then her family so again caution is understandable at this point, especially since she's had barely any time since her unexpected reincarnation to come up with a plan in the first place before being thrown headlong into the tournament and trying to re-navigate everything. Right now I'm pointing out how limited her options are and how uncertain the new variables are in order to illustrate some understanding and patience on the matter.
Apr 18, 2020
i seriously don't get why she won't just marry him, i know she wants to be free but she could form a contract with him or tell him her real name beforehand. i mean, anything would be better than living in an abusive household in my opinion. also, as others have mentioned, she doesn't have any money/power/connections, so surviving outside the mansion by herself would be difficult. at least if they fake an engagement she can be protected for a bit
Active member
Jul 23, 2018
I'm seriously confused by all of this development.
This story seems good from the start, but now, my dissapointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. (I just want to say it lol)

I read some of comments defending FMC, but I'm still don't get it why she did all of this. She refuse her way out, twice, not even use it to her advantage.
And even more, from this story started till now, her behavior is really disobeying her family and quite strict with the attendant. Even though she don't have any power or influence at all.
And someone in the comment said that She could be dead because her family whim. But look, she is inviting those tension herself.

And ML, lol. Idk what's in store to his backstories. But right now, he is more like a headache for her.

Basically, idk where this stories will be going.
Double-page supporter
Feb 8, 2018

At this point I'll just say let's agree to disagree. You think Adele is being cautious, I say she's being dumb and still in her victim mindset. And imo the ML isn't being creepy coz he respects her boundaries. I dunno until when I can tolerate her frustrating attitude and behavior but I guess I'll read on. Peace
Sep 22, 2018
@scarlet_summer If we're just going to ignore his reputation and his eccentric behavior up until this point then whatever I guess. But If you call repeatedly calling on her every day uninvited respecting her boundaries then good luck with that because from her perspective I can see how that looks like stalking right now, so I would just be cautious with inviting anyone to stay over your place for more then a day if that's the definition you want to go with. But it's not like she's unfriendly with or telling him to leave either, right now I think she's just charting the appropriate middle until she gets a better feel for the situation and this guy's personality. Up to you if and when you want to drop it but I do hope you don't go in to these series with the expectation every FMC born in these shitty and restrictive times are going to have Tia level genius to get themselves out of it or punch their way out of it like in May I Request One Final Thing....
Apr 23, 2020
@twia I’m with you that a lot of her actions don’t make too much sense but I think it comes from her fear of ending up dead again or she figures they’ll kill her anyway, so why be obedient? Also, she doesn’t want to continue being Karina Bifta, daughter of the duke. If she married the Grand Duke she’d be even more in the public eye as the Grand Duchess Karina. She would be safe from the Bifta family but would still be forced to live as Karina. I think she should take it, though. She’d have more freedom because I don’t think Hexion would try to stop her.
Double-page supporter
Feb 8, 2018
If we're just going to ignore his reputation and his eccentric behavior up until this point then whatever I guess. But If you call repeatedly calling on her every day uninvited respecting her boundaries then good luck with that
I dunno why you seem so fixated on his 'reputation', it's not like he's doing shady illegal stuff that makes him a bad guy, his left arm is cursed that's why people stay away from him much like how people stay away from those with disease like leprosy in the past. Also he's the friggin Grand Duke which makes him of royal blood so ofc people can only attack him with rumors and considering his position, I'm not an expert on how royalty should visit their vassals or whatever but in his case he did inform her albeit casually. My point is, he's not acting in such an excessive way that warrants so much caution like you would a fraud or a stalker or something.

I do hope you don't go in to these series with the expectation every FMC born in these shitty and restrictive times are going to have Tia level genius to get themselves out of it or punch their way out of it like in May I Request One Final Thing....
You're putting words in my mouth. In no way am I comparing Adele to any other protag and I never said or implied anything like that.

Our exchange has gotten quite extended and I don't think we'll ever see eye to eye so I'll be the one to back down here.
Sep 22, 2018
@scarlet_summer He became a Grand Duke based on a blood war reputation too as I recall so yes, I expect people to have some kind of pause since excessive military service is also how one obtains high rank. And the Marquis is his peer, an inferior peer but unless he's actually part of the main royal family despite his blood so he doesn't get to treat them as his vassal so yes this is excessive but no one wants to call him out on it because they fear his retaliation. Basic medieval politics right there, something I again implore people to keep in mind when reading genre's like these <_<
Active member
Jul 23, 2018
@2incredible well if She want to be dead again, sure, disobeying her family will make it come faster.
What I don't understand is, she knows what's going to come. But she is not making some "preparation" to avoid it as far as I remember. Currently she is just enjoying TL a prehistoric monument lol.
I have a feeling that this monument will change her life, though. But, that's a plot. Luck, I can say it. But that's just nonsense for me, because if that really what will happened it's not because her character development.

And about her want to be her trueself and not Karina Bifta, well that's quite a though one. But, if she want an easy way out. Then give her trust to the Grand Duke, and talk about what happened and tell him to acknowledge her as Adele.
Aug 16, 2020
I mean, I get why she doesn't wanna marry him yet - nasty rumors going around him and all. But does she really plan on enduring for a whole year without actively finding something to get out of the situation? From what I can see, she's just enjoying herself translating tombstones as if her life isn't in danger lmao I hope the ML doesn't do all the job for her. She keeps pushing the only (at least for now) useful guy off anyway.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 13, 2019
I really don't get how she can stay in this house. I understand having reservations about the ML, but if I thought my father murdered me I'd grab onto literally any chance there is to get away.

She's really not acting like someone who's life was in danger
Aug 8, 2018
i hope this trashy fam stays trashy to the end please no redemption or all is water under the bridge in this weptoon~
Aug 4, 2020
If that were me, I would have pushed her through the window, wtf? Mother? I don't care if the duke was unjust with her, she is just trash
Jul 24, 2020
@LaDeeDah The only thing that can make her behavior make sense is if she's trying to sus out if Hexion had anything to do with her original murder because holy cow is this house hostile territory.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2018
so....when do we send in the kill squad and nukes on this terrible family?? :D

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