Pov 1: you are the duke: Mmm, food is good. House is loud, why is house loud? Why tf is there a bag of human flesh outside my "child's" room? Why is my son who would make a nazi look decent here? 'Go to bed, son.' Why did he blow up the door. 'Hey Shitass, get your sorry little ass to bed or I'll make you wish you were in the slammer!' Why tf is this bitchhead trying to kill my pawn? Ehh, tf happened? 'Hey, that pawn cost me good money, don't you dare drop her outside!' 'What did I tell you?!' 'After them!' Hmm, they have caused a ruckus, they need a punishment. I know, I'll punish the troublemaker who started all of this! 'Hey bitch, get your ass to the slammer.'
Pov 2: you are a decent person or you have an iq above 5: Why tf would you do all that? Just shoot the son. boom, problem solved. Eazy peazy, lemon squeezie.