Just Leave Me Be - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

Aggregator gang
Jan 26, 2018
@oryangatan, I like your analysis on this family. However, I feel the blame is too concentrated on the daughter. She is practically made out to be the scapegoat for everyone’s resentment when none of it was her fault. Really it was the father who didn’t try to explain the situation to the family.

@misfits, thank you for releasing this chapter!
Active member
Jun 5, 2020
Poor girl... she really was doing her best the whole time :'(( What a bunch of jerks!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2019
Bruh why are so many of these families so quick to abuse like wtf is it with nobles that statistically make them horrible?
Mar 31, 2018
@dArkus_Orion Honestly I am not surprised when I see nobles being abusive. I mean they are normally:
- Obsessed over the family "image" so if you don't fit to need to change until you fit it.
- Live in a class based society where non-nobles are usually only slightly higher than cattle/animals. Pretty sure most nobles could rape and kill a peasant in the town square and get away with it if they were high enough rank or had connections.
- The above can easily lead to a God-complex
- They tend to be stuck up on the idea of blood. If you do not have noble blood, or only have half noble blood (illegitimate) you are not really a noble. While outside the family you will be treated as a noble, inside the family you may be viewed as nothing more than a dressed up pig.
- They are rich and powerful most of the time. They can usually use this to get whatever they want. This can lead to a god complex too. Easy to think you can do anything if no one ever tells you no.
- While I've seen people talk about most the points above pretty often, what I don't see often is the fact that many nobles are likely under enormous stress. Especially the head of the house. They have to worry about training a proper successor, deal with political bullshit, potentially deal with their kids/relatives doing stupid shit and covering for them, they have the duties assigned to them by the king/emperor/grand poobah. (like being in charge of border defense against an enemy country or policing the realm), and also dealing with the affairs of the fief/land they own. Even if they don't care about the people living there I imagine there is still a lot of work. None of this excuses the dick moves though, it simply can explain why some may snap out/be stressed/on edge and thus act colder/abusive.
- Since they come from a lineage most times they have been raised/trained by the person that preceded them. If Grandpa was a sadistic prick and was cruel to their kid, combined with the above factors, the kid may end up being twisted and cruel to their kid and so one and so forth.

I think it is a factor of everything above that leads to most nobles coming off as dicks. but you also have nobles like the Salvatores who have all the above, but don't get corrupted by it.
Mar 31, 2018
@Oryangatan Yea I think you have the right take. So far they haven't shown the family to be particularly abusive, neglectful, or evil. They are cold and strict, which I could get in that situation. Even the father being obsessively strict with how well she is doing could be due to the risk of her getting found out and their house collapsing. Even the thing with the brother, while a dick move, could have been a child's way to "helping". She is the daughter of a duke. It looked like she was using an old, worn out pen. This could easily be a thing where a proper lady of a Ducal house wouldn't do, as soon as the pen started to become worn a "proper" lady would have asked for a new one. Still dickish, but he seemed young so it may not have been malicious. I am really interested to see more of the family interactions "live" rather than from her memories since they could be an unreliable narrator.
Mar 31, 2018
@TastyToes20 Never said it wasn't. I was just pointing out why noble families in these manga and whatnot all tend to be quick to use slapping as a punishment. I agree that it is abuse and wasn't deserved.
Mar 25, 2020
This amount of abuse and neglect can drive someone to end their own life.
If I was her, I would've either gone insane, ran away, or killed myself cuz of all that abuse.
It's too much. It makes me nauseous each time I see it.
Aug 8, 2018
@Lia_de_Leon18 yup totaly the same mold but seems a bit lighter and let's rectify my previous statement from last chap to 'yet another double addition to my list of webtoon's trashy trash parent's both de Mozer and Fazer are blegh 🤢'

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