But no one force you to continue to read it if this is so bad and a pain, expecially after 151 chapters.Well, isn't it also selfish to want something to continue at all? It's not like you're reading this for someone else's enjoyment so stop being so self-righteous.
It can also be a clone and so an act, this dude is specialized is cloning via surgery.ok, wow, so the author actually had the balls to do something with that girl. I dont know if she will actually die tho
And no one's forcing you to read the comments. Listen bud, nothing in this world is perfect. Everything has it's ups and downs. People will often talk about the ups but they will ALWAYS talk about the downs. It's not a reason to say "screw everything" though. There are painful things we bear with, to some it's their favorite games, to others a Japanese comic. I'd say it's more improper from you to suggest people stop reading because they found something they dislike in it. There's always that 'something'.But no one force you to continue to read it if this is so bad and a pain, expecially after 151 chapters.