3/5 Targets already dead by chapter 40+ but there's still 150 chapters to go, should I even bother continuing at this point?
I started reading it on a Saturday and just finished it the following Thursday. There's a time-skip, and while some interesting things happen after the skip, it's honestly not worth it unless you have a sick desire to know. All the bullies deaths are at least satisfying, but most of everything after the skip is kinda just dragged out and has a cringe trope to set itself up.
Honestly, the most interesting plot point for me was the detective and after the time-skip, the detective's plot continues which had me keep pushing. I really, REALLY wanted to see how that would pan out, but after catching up, I am putting this series under "Dropped" and fucking off.
There are revenge manga that are guilty pleasures to read, and this ain't going in with those chief.
I give it some points for:
-Not constantly having "a hero appear at the last minute and just save someone." While someone coming to the rescue happens a couple times, people typically just fucking die when a killing blow is about to happen.
-The art is actually good as well as the brutality. I love the way the eyes are drawn, the sheer range of expressions when it comes to just the eye art is really good.