Juunenme, Kikan wo Akirameta Tenisha wa Imasara Shujinkou ni naru - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - Matiko and the Dungeon Town

Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Wait a minute, the town clearly existed and was doing well before the dungeon appeared. The previous chapters were saying that the town could only exist solely because of the dungeon, but this disproves that. It may not be as prosperous, but there was clearly some measure of value to this place before the dungeon, so it can surely survive.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2023
Nope. all this to protect the town. it is just pure greed and you lust after profit.. the way you are treating business in a dungeon area? It is just like pissing in pants to keep yourself warm... but you still will get cold AND wet.
you only make the problems worse. not better.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2020
Town is functioning
Dungeon opens and destroys town
"Let's profit off the dungeon."
Town is functioning
Dungeon spills it and destroys Town, including wife
"Profit harder!"

This is like an allegory for war if a weapons manufacturer lost his wife to the very same weapons and said, "Make more! Sell more!" He's a greedy idiot who deserves no sympathy from anyone.

Edit: How did I accidently quotation box?!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2023
Lol no one is buying this shit! Mangaka is about to eat some downvotes.

This is equivalent to a mining town dying when the mine closes. This is normal.

Of course there is an argument for not closing the dungeon. (Dungeon == trading off some lives for economic benefit; which is exactly what mining or any other dangerous industry does.) But if there's a tradeoff, then the tradeoff would be a countrywide policy, not some decision made town-by-town.

Mangaka should have skipped this whole BS faux sob story and just covered the economics of it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2019
I don't think it's the desire of petsonal wealth that drives this dud. He seems to be under the delusion that only the success of his business will bring prosperity to the city. Only  His mercantile guild can keep the city from imploding and turning into a ghost town out on some isolated frontier.

When in reality, thrue his leadership, his organization was stifling positive growth that would have led to a more sustainable future for the city and the adventurers that delved the dungeon. To his delusional mind, his business is the only reason the city still exists. It was his sacrifice and perseverance against anything that hampered the growth of his company and by extension the city.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
Who said, "Let's push forward" and "if we give up now, your wife's death will mean nothing" at page 30? I thought the former was himself, but it's odd that someone else follow it up with the latter.

I guess this is like a revenge story with any semblance of justice plucked out of it, no grey area to argue about so the author can state what he wants to say clearly and plainly.

The deal itself is pretty simple, it's a big loss with nothing to gain, the question is how they will deal with this suicidal old man.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
1. The impetus to make the trade company/town was the sudden appearance of the dungeon.

2. More supplies, more adventurers, more chances the dungeon gets beaten.

3. Stampede happens people die. "We have to persist".

4. Dungeon gets beaten. This solves problem 1, but this is bad... because now the town "has to" persist because of 2 & 3????

That's stupid. You're stupid, old man. You've clearly lost the plot when you started blocking people from beating the dungeon, you can't now parade your dead wife as any reason since you were actively standing in the way.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2023
He may have convinced himself with the sunk-cost fallacy, but no one else gives AF when he's the one who sunk all those costs. Looking forwards to when the twins reject him next chapter. This delusional businessmancriminal deserves actual punishment; I wonder if he'll get off with losing a word fight.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 22, 2018
Wait, let me check my fucks inventory. Will you look at that I'm all out ... huh. I'm sorry old man but I don't have any fucks left. Even if I did I wouldn't sell/give them to you.

I really hope the author doesn't allow the guilt trip to succeed. The town should find another way. If it dies then it shouldn't have survived the first dungeon break. A dungeon appearing right next to a small town should NOT be the impetus to build that town solely around the dungeon. It's a sign to pack up shop and move.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2018
I don't see that as a reason to sell the rights, maybe giving a franchise, but selling the rights? nah.

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