can ONE of these bastard scanlator groups who keep lobbying for updating and sniping the like 5 OTHER GROUPS who are doing the SAME THING actually do us all a favor and UPDATE THE MISSING CHAPTERS! for the love of god I've been waiting MONTHS and every update I see of this is an update of THE MOST RECENT CHAPTER and never the OVER 100 MISSING CHAPTERS where I got stuck at cause NOONE EVER UPDATES THEM!!! I love the series to death and want to see what happened after the fucking CLIFFHANGER that they LEFT US ON and ABANDONED US. the same thing happened with one piece where I watched the anime up until the dressrosa arc and realized that it was gonna be an eternity until I caught up if I kept watching the anime so I switched to reading the manga on here, got to wholecake island and it abruptly STOPPED BEING UPLOADED, choosing instead to UPLOAD THE NEWEST CHAPTERS AND LEAVE US ALL BEHIND. i had to wait SO LONG just to finally catch up when our lord and savior (I think it was MangaPlus or something) decided to GET OFF THEIR COMPETITIVE ASSES and UPLOAD ALL THE MISSING CHAPTERS!
I know that all these scanlator groups arent satan or anything because they choose to upload the newest chapter, but if you see that like 5 other groups are doing it then please for the love of god update the missing chapters if there are any for the good of mankind, ESPECIALLY IF THERES OVER 100!!!
I'm just an angry fan but please just update them, I desperately want to be up to date and not have to sit on the sidelines while everyone else gets to be ecstatic about the new chapters.