Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen - Vol. 15 Ch. 150 - A Normal Romance

Fed-Kun's army
Apr 28, 2018
I had to stifle my squeaking with a cushion to not alert the neighbours.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 9, 2019

Oh yes, how silly of me to become emotionally invested in a series I've been reading for over a year now. Imagine being so stupid that you can't understand why people get angry when they see something bad happen to something they like.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Kyaaaaah! They finally did it!

A normal, productive conversation that helped both sides through some issues. Though I don't expect this to be the end of it. There's still a mess of issues to talk about, but...well, this is a great start.

Moreover, this is exactly what I was hoping for when the whole Iceguya arc started, and I feel like most of the detractors that have been screaming bloody murder since the start can finally calm down. Akasaka-sensei is a good writer, so just give him some time and trust that there'll be proper payoff by the end.
May 31, 2019

The reason this whole arc happened was because Kaguya had finally realized that there was actual feelings in the relationship between her and Miyuki. If you don't believe me think back on when she was panicking over confessing because Miyuki might just like her as a friend, a completely platonic love and kindness he has that he might have just been giving to Kaguya, that's what she thought. We know this isn't the case because we are omniscient readers knowing that they both like each other and that's the point. This last arc has made it clear that the two never needed any kind of mask to get the other to like them, and any complication of their feelings is actually detrimental to their own feelings. Kaguya had realized such a thing first and took the risk of being the first to be that worst self, she quickly realized that Miyuki too had a side he would never show Kaguya, so she also wanted to prove that she can love Miyuki for who he truly was too. I'm sorry if you thought Ice Kaguya was bad and her personality was merely delaying the next arc which I'm pretty sure is some kind of "boyfriend girlfriend" arc, but this arc was necessary for both of them to realize that they're both deeply flawed people, and that's okay, people love each other in spite of their flaws.
Apr 12, 2018

That was kind of the point. People were expecting a huge, emotional climax with the two of them dramatically revealing their problems and solving their issues in some grand manner, but that's not what happens in real life. Issue such as the ones Kaguya and Shirogane have don't get resolved instantly all willy-nilly. Instead this arc ended with them opening up to each other, talking about their problems, and deciding to work on that. And then confessed and kissed again in a small, subdued manner in contrast to the big flashy one in ch. 136.

While it's the end of this arc it's not the end of their emotional issues, and it was never meant to be. It's just them opening up to one another, starting to deal with their problems, and each other.
Active member
May 7, 2018
The triple drop to round off the arc and avoid the snipe. Fucking brilliant job!
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Honestly, this arc put a nasty stain on this manga and ruined the nice ending to the festival arc. If they kept rolling with the tone the festival set, instead of this stupid 180, things would have been much better. This is what basically happened a dozen chapters ago and should have continued, minus the useless and ridiculous drama.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 9, 2019

I'm calling bullshit on this HARD.

"The reason this whole arc happened was because Kaguya had finally realized that there was actual feelings in the relationship between her and Miyuki."

This arc happened, because Aka retconned Kaguya into knowing that Miyuki was "hiding his true self" from her. Don't believe me? Go back a couple chapters, to where Kaguya was telling Hayasaca that she's in her Ice personality, because she wanted to show him her "true self," so he would do the same. Note that this happens the chapter AFTER she finds out he was hiding his "true self". Her second-guessing her confession was just pre-confession paranoia. It happens to a lot of people.

"This last arc has made it clear that the two never needed any kind of mask to get the other to like them"

This is probably the most untrue statement I've ever heard, regarding this series. Kaguya is the only one who never needed a mask (which is ironic, considering her "true self" is an angry, violent bitch, until Aka decided she wouldn't for literally no goddamn reason at all). Until Miyuki put his mask on, Kaguya wouldn't even recognize him as a person. She refused to acknowledge his existence, until he put on his mask to beat her school-wide test score. She also proved this in the Hayasaca chapter, where she didn't even know that they met when Miyuki fell in love with her.

"so she also wanted to prove that she can love Miyuki for who he truly was too"

Which is also a blatant lie, from Kaguya. Miyuki has let his "hard worker" mask slip numerous times before and she HATED it. She literally became completely unattracted to him, when he finally got a good night's sleep, which his insomnia was a result of him overworking himself (his mask).

This whole goddamn arc was absolute clusterfuck of contrived bullshit and horribly written. Do you know how I know it's horribly written? Because this whole arc could have been summarized with a single sentence Kaguya could have said to Miyuki, once they started dating:

"Hey, how about we be completely honest with each other, from here on out?"

That's it. That's all this arc accomplished.
Apr 10, 2019
This is absolutely perfection Kaguya looking more beautiful as ever! The MC finally did it now that's what I called becoming a man going for the kiss instead of her doing it like last time.

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