I don't understand what is wrong with this kind of storytelling.
MC beat the Royal Guard. -> Disguised the Guard as himself in order to trick the Kingdom. -> The arc where Setsuna gets her revange is (practiacally) over. -> The author show us that the Kingdom has now reveled the trick, thus setting up the next arc (where it most likely will become a hunt).
What is the problem with this? This is a way to convey us readers what's coming and get us excited. A cliffhanger so to speak. So once again; what is wrong with that? A lot of stories do this; where certain information gets revealed NOT for us the readers(/watchers), but the people in the story in order to create NEW dilemma/drama FOR THEM.
One example where I believe(/hope) a "reveal" will happen and see what that will bring, is in One Piece.
Luffy and Ace was "brothers".
Luffy meet a girl that waits for Ace, he tells her he is dead.
She gets upset and claims that LUFFY who was THERE when Ace died is lying and HE doesn't understand Ace like she do.....
I want to see HOW she REACTS and what it will bring IF it gets revealed.
Or is this poor storytelling too since WE know that they were "brothers"..? F*ck the characters in the story if they know or not, the only thing that matters for a STORYTELLING is if WE the audience know, right...?
What do you even want in a story....?