@ShionSinX Logic works even on fiction and fantasy, Logic means that something is believable, not necessarily that is scientifically possible. From the moment you make magic common, you kill the need for magicians to exist, you make everyone capable of further developing that power, you create a chaotic world in which a random peasant may take control of everything just because he was born talented, and when this doesn't happen or at least a similar thing, if makes the world even less believable, because how can people respect the law if everyone has access to power? It's a trashy setting, poorly thought, and even worse developed, moreover it completely ignores the fact that not everyone has the same possibbilitiees in life. it doesn't make sense whatsoever. What is the point of magical creatures even existing in such a world? It extends to stories when you have armies of Dragon Hunters, as if Dragons were retards to never adapt themselves to counter human tactics when dragons themselves are as smart or sometimes, smarter than humans.
It's the same problem when you make fantastical creatures exist, but also make normal science work easily against them, and make magic an underwhelming power, It can only result in a pathetic product which only serves to weaken the main point of making these stories, which is to make Fantasy "exist". Carnival's Row shows exactly what I was talking about. Those faries are ridiculous, how can a being born from pure magic suffer wounds like a normal human, lack the power to even survive against any form of agression, need unarmored and only normally trained soldiers to save their ass... I can understand the point of these changes for the kind of story they want to make, but at the same time it kills all the fantasy aspects of the story, bringing instead a "real life"
kind of story.