Kaiko sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life

Active member
Sep 28, 2020
long story short
chapter 16 is just so forced it feels as if your trying to turn the wheels on a standing car without the assisted steering while trying to look smooth and relaxed to your passengers... and it happens far more than once or twice in that single chapter

chapter 16 => manga rating -2* => 5-6/10
Double-page supporter
Feb 21, 2018
did anyone also got a spam like this?

"Hey kid i just want to tell u , by how u comment negative to kaiko sareta (30) u can just ignore the comic or blacklist it from your read list, its a natural story so u as a FREE READER just shut up and if u dont like the story from the begining so why u still coment in this comic, just shut up and read another comic FREE READER, i have spent money to the transltor team to apreciate their work ,

I dont like peoplelike u TRASH WEEEB and FREE LOADER , so DISGUSTING GROOSS"

anyone got snicker for this kid?
damn I don't even remember the last time I saw this comic


Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2019
Feels like the author can't decide wtf he wants to make the characters do. Honesty it started with a decent plot but it has become boring as shit. Might be decent to binge but it's just a 4 at most to follow.
Sep 4, 2019
Feels like the author can't decide wtf he wants to make the characters do.
@Nei Exactly. A lot of authors are writing story on a whim... it's the reason why most mangas start out very interesting then goes downhill...
Apr 10, 2020
I love this shit, chapter 17 was pretty cool. The demon kings really regret letting him go and it's that sweet taste of regret I live for
Feb 15, 2018
Really the premise went down the drain real fast.
Not only was he immediately accepted and loved by his fellow humans, got a 10/10 girl madly in love with him in record time, but it turns out he was actually very powerful and absolutely necessary for his former organization.

I do understand that I can't really ask for much in this kind of stories, but I can't help but wonder what's with the victim complex and fake humility from those pseudo isekai fantasy stories. The MC getting everything isn't enough but they have to drill the reader every five seconds about how he definitely deserves everything getting handed over to him and anyone who says otherwise is a pompous idiot. But of course our saintly MC is not going to ask for rewards since he's so humble and stuff, so everyone else has to be praising him and lamenting how he isn't there anymore, as if it were the revenge dream of an overworked salaryman.

Long gone are the stories where the protagonist had to actually struggle to get to the top. Now the only thing we get are half assed backstories and some "dude, trust me, he was that great". I'm dropping this. Really wish this kind of stuff had a tag that I could filter.
Aug 29, 2020
Boy this is all over the place. The plot was nice in the beginning, but damn it went downhill quickly. Also the writing (not sure if it's just a translation issue) is like that of a 5th grader. There are so many contradictions and forced drama that makes a lot of the "antagonists" seem one-dimensional. Not to mention
MC suddenly being OP is ridiculous and beyond a cliche at this point.
At least the art is great; if it wasn't for that (and the fan service), this would probably be a high 6 instead of a mid 7.
All that said, I'd probably give this a 5/10. It's like if you were to mix a handful of regular Cheerios into a box of unsweetened Cheerios - every now and then you get a good bite, but it's not often.
Nov 15, 2020
don hear these stupid idiots below here, they just don know how to aprecciate a good romance with the eyes of a child(and it is cuz of that destructive critic that works get canceled, you want to criticize, good, but make a good critic and a constructive critic, otherwise just think twice and enjoy the story blindly!!
Oct 22, 2019
Look another generic japashit mango were the main protagonist is a loser that spent his whole life eating shit.
May 10, 2020
Wow, there's many uptight comments here. Just don't forget to drink coffee (or any kind of drinks that you prefer) and calm down guys.
Jul 14, 2020
The manga is quite disappointing, honestly. It seems like the MC has no purpose other than to stay in his little world and not use his strength to also influence other places to help end this “war” between demons and humans . Other characters are either sensitive, irrational, thoughtless or just their just to keep the story going (rip smith the blacksmith). In general, the way the story is going, I give it a 4.
Aug 13, 2020
the MC is shrewd, capable, brave and goodman, the type guy who will sacrifice himself for the good of people he care, but he can be timid sometimes

plus, MC is powerful but his slow decision making that sometime weirdly accour is hurt to watch,, probably cuz he think too much (?)

the storyline moving mostly cuz MC contribution directly or indirectly, good art style, colorful side-characters, easy plot, nicely pace,,
no lame drama and no cringe moe

overall good manga,
good and easy read
Dex-chan lover
Oct 17, 2020
at first it is like a normal slowlife isekai (its not an isekai but setting has many common sides) and I like slowlife isekai and characters develop nice and I liked mc s actions but after some time mc clearly shows that he doesnt want any fights and thinks that in the future a miracle will happen and they wont have to fight and acts like this will happen without a doubt
even when there is a threat he wont do anything until the ciritical moment and he will only stop the threat meaning he wont destroy the threat so in the future exact same thing can happen again and most of the time mc will just give in if there will be a fight and refusr to fight if it isnt absolutely neccasary at the moment and will not prepare any countermeasure for the future
so started nice but after some time mc started acting like a idiot
Double-page supporter
Aug 17, 2020
The story had potential at first, but now it’s fucked. Every chapter is meaningless and irritating, and the characters seem to have lost 100 IQ in the span of a few chapters.

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