This might be a good side to telling about 'love that grows between close friends'.
And at the same time it's very frustrating to follow.
Seriously, I'm very sorry for the guy than with the heroine. He is way too considerate. And the heroine refuses and thinks something that actually makes the people around her suffer. They think, but too charged with unexpected, even almost odd - triggers.
The drama is too far drawn, long-winded, and the type of problem raised is not interesting. They both complicate things, the reason they use is too stupid to accept.
'I LOVE YOU AS HOMO SAPIEN' - sometimes the mixture of jokes almost made me laugh and annoyed at the same time.
What is more interesting for me is, problems between individuals but not about love.
I don't call it a very great reading. No.
Zannen, I choose to drop this.
Final score : 3,6/5