I got your feeling here, I think we (you and me) are just tired for this "nisekoi" syndrome. if you want a fresh unique character for romance, try these two (both r finished)
As far as I understand the rules, mangadex will respect Jaimini's decision about uploading their chapters for up to 6 months after their last scanlated chapter regardless of which manga they are still scanlating. They still translate other stuff; therefore, posting their old chapters without their permission is against mangadex's rules even if they aren't hosting those chapters themselves.
dafuq is with her tits on the cover of ch26 looks weird
and they're shifting personalities too much.
why would erika care what he's up to? just a few chapters earlier she mentioned having no intention of marrying him and acted quite neutral in their interactions with each other. no need to push the maiden in love trope on her.
To anyone wondering the title do not refer to Cuckoos as people getting cheated on so far, but to Cuckoos birds who plant their egg in others species nest so that other species would raise their young instead.
Although I have decided to drop this title, you may wish to read the missing chapters.
I lost interest at Chapter 26, page 14, top ½ of the page where Segawa threatens violence to Nagi because he'd have the audacity of gazing at her chest. I realize it's a standard addition and to be expected in pretty much any manga, but if the threat were reversed there would be an uproar.
So, enjoy... but I'm off this manga. Really can't care where it goes from here.
"Best selling manga that needs a second printing before it's even released"... How in the fuck can that be when absolutely nothing happens? There's no romance, no character development, no nothing. And people still swallow it. There is no plot. He's gonna keep chasing after Hiro until the final volume (who the fuck knows when that could be) and then realise he loves Erika and they're gonna get happily married. Yadda yadda. Nisekoi 2.0.