Kakkou no Iinazuke

Jul 30, 2020
Drop Box link already given below.

This series had, in my humble and worthless opinion, such potential. But the more I read, the less I enjoyed it.

I can't post the series here, but DropBox can host them.
Apr 25, 2018
Ok the latest chapter got me disgusted af. Like tfffff is his heart swayed that easily?? Wym "Not yet" and "Do i like Erika-chan?"??? Not that I don't want him with her. In fact, I'm rooting for her. However, how can you be swayed so easily like were you not just in love with that other girl??? And last but not least y tf did your sister come to mind bruh? I mean I understand why Erika popped in your head but why your sister who you were raised with??? What the heeeeell, where she come from? You guys are siblings regardless of the blood relations. That part legit disgusted me. Is he confused??? My favor of this dropped from that chapter so quick.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@CardiBSlays him being indecisive all of a sudden, even though he was in love for months or maybe years, as well as the "legal sister character" are overused, but still omnipresent tropes in shonen manga.

the only reason i'm reading this is for the art and the hope that it probably won't have an open end. my favorite character seems to be a dark horse, so i don't expect her to win.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 21, 2019
He is just a young boy, her sister is not his sister anymore. He lives with a e-girl idol, and after recognize her exsister as the fiancees sister, a new door was opened. I dont understand the hate.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
"his sister is not his sister anymore"

Doesn't work like that
If you're raised as siblings there's no way you think of her that way just because you're not blood related
Or you're (very) weird
Jul 30, 2020
@CardiBSlays Yep. Had hopes this would be clever or whatnot.

If we're going to have a series where an arranged marriage is foisted upon some unsuspecting couple, my interest in the clever antics they use to get themselves out of the engagement would keep me glued to the series.

But the story has just hit a muddy puddle at high speed, sending it careening out of control. Regardless who defends this title, I'm off reading far better material. 😃

May 31, 2020
Hello guys ! Can someone tell me , this stuff with arranged marriages really works in Japan nowadays ? I absolutely can't understand this idea. Your parents decide for you,with whom you gonna live. P.s sorry for my bad english😟
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@dreamy17 Arranged marriage still alive and well in many countries such as Japan, India, Indonesia, Arab Saudi, UAE, Thailand, Malaysia etc. Please note this is uncommon and only a small part of population who still did it.

Mostly it works only if the arranged individuals consent to it, if not then parents cannot do anything to force it. This is the common practice.

There are rare exceptions however, in some area with poor economy and bad education arranged marriage have the same meaning with "selling brides". Meaning the girls cannot reject the marriage and will be forced to marry regardless of their will. Usually this results in child marriage. Please note this practice is illegal. Forging documents will do the job.

Why the parents married their children forcefully? Because the economic benefits. Usually rich man will marry daughter of poor family, usually underage, then the man will took responsibility just like any normal husband. The girl's family will reduce the mouth to feed while getting some money from the husband.

It's uncommon but really happen, at least in underdeveloped area in my country Indonesia, the man will later divorced the woman just because he can and will search another girl to marry with. What about the girl from poor family? She will have to took responsibility of her children alone or come back to her parents home with additional mouths to feed. Stupid? It is. The government has intervened since years ago with limited result.

No, religion isn't the cause. There are many research about this topic and the factors behind this phenomenon are economy (90%) and culture (10%). This is the same reason why child marriage in medieval age was common, be it in Europe or in Asia at the time. Economy, high mortality rate etc.
Apr 25, 2018
the latest chapter redeemed itself a little. At least he was aware that it was weird to have thought of his sister *smh.
Aug 27, 2020
I can't read it. It says chapter unavailable. I was planning to start it. Anyone has solutions?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@JWbabay Open this manga in private/incognito tab without logging into mangadex. This is just to test your browser and account. Either it's your MD account language setting or cache that have problem.
Aug 27, 2020
@Kllick It loaded in incognito. What is wrong with my normal account? How do I fix this?

Edit: Nvm, it isn't opening even in incognito. Only some chapters (the newer ones) are working. It says unavailable, in English that is.
Mar 8, 2019
After reading all the comments, Im glad that im not the only one who think this manga is getting worse and worse the more I read. The MC is too unlikable and badly written. Erika is weird. She already has someone important to her that she wants to reach to. Then why the hell does she wants to make out with the male Mc?
At least Nisekoi has lovable female character

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