My annoyance is with unfunny performative moralism and Jack Thompson-tier arguments that certainly aren't being consistently applied across all media, and much more so when these types deliberately consume media that-- either before or very early on-- they know they won't like, and then go on to publicly declare that they consumed said media and consider it liable to engender grave moral ills. It immediately calls into question the motives of said person, since they willingly consumed it themselves.
At any rate, I've become convinced that these people aren't earnestly speaking about positions they've thought out, rather than regurgitating lines for speaking's (and memeing's) sake. Despite any alarmism, the way they talk and act about the material betrays their indifference.
To my observation, those kind of people love to projects their supposedly "superior" moral upon others to make themselves feel better because they have nothing and are nothing; they can't think for themselves, full of hypocrisy, loathe, and scorn anything that slightly pokes their little safe-balloon while preaching love and acceptance. They accuse and blame others for the most demented thing, putting people down just to cushion their ego on a pedestal.
Not to mention the massive irony and possible projection; muddying the water, smoke and mirror. For example, Loli and Shota are most commonly their target in the recent years because it's simply the easiest. This makes all kind of paper-moralist comes out of the woodwork, including actual pedophiles, to quickly points their fingers there.
One of the most recent case on the top of my mind would be the ChibiReview's hacking case. A anime-tuber named ChibiReview got their account hacked by someone due to his enthusiasm and opinion on "Dandadadan" anime for supposedly "endorsing rape and pedophilia". The irony is that the hacker tries to get the account banned by... posting actual child porn... yeah, you read that right.
That's one more big-fat column on "The Archive", I guess.