So at first I thought Lynx was a girl....adorable, want to give head pats.
But then when they started saying "he" and "him" I thought "Oh damn, he's going to trigger some ladies 'Ara ara' instincts. I'm envious...."
But now that I see this pretty boy "hero", yup went going back to thinking Lynx is indeed a girl. This guy doesn't seem the type to have a guy in his party....
BUT WAIT! He sent Lynx alone to fish some boss of the lake, in a (could be) dangerous forest while he waited with a group of yeah, Lynx most likely a boy.
UNLESS he just didn't like lolis......which death to him and that means Lynx really is a girl.
Butt weight! That mage looking girl with the maracas......
tl:dr - I was (and still am) very confused. Maracas.