Kannou Sensei

Jan 25, 2018
2 month without update, I'm dying to know the rest of the story, what a great manga.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 7, 2018
Oooh chapter 19.. I had a lover like this once, I don't know the whole story with Yukino, but it followed a similar path. She think herself as a "bad girl", all beaten and broken, and honest, naive me struggled to pick up all the pieces. But instead of rejecting me outright like in this manga, she agreed on a relationship with me. The thing is, with these "bad girls", no matter how much you try to fix and reassure her, she'll always be broken again. So I wasted time and life for 5 good years before "the spell is broken". She wanted to break it up. And there I was, all beaten and broken... after struggling with all my might to keep her and myself together. I gambled lots of possible future to be with her, and I lost that gamble. Thank you for any people who read this to the end.

This Yoshida Motoi guy is a legendary mangaka. His manga hits all the right strings in my heart. The drawing is cute, too.
Thank you Maigo scans for the update. I appreciate you guys sticking to this one. Hope this manga gets more popular.
Aug 6, 2019
Wow.. its just.. wow..
Its sloww.. sweet.. sad.. romantic and erotic..
Damn it.. i wanrt moooreeeeee ❤️❤️
Mar 26, 2018
Anon with similar experience to MC here,

Sorry for your loss @horsewithnoname, I feel you. Kudo to the Mangaka, the story feels very realistic as well as MC's feelings.

First some context about me. I am very innocent and quite the platonic romantic just like MC, wanting a soulmate over anything else.

For me, just like MC, something similar happened some years back :

Met a girl commuting to Uni in one of my seminars. At first she seemed pretty lonely but there was a certain glow around her. Started talking with her about in the weirdest possible way, but she somehow enjoyed my company, as no one else took the time.

Months pass, we get along great. I start meeting her at the trainstation before every class she shared with me, we spend the entire day together to then walk her back to the train when she leaves.

Soon I realize my feelings for her. Before I knew I was in love with her. One day she tells me she has a BF. My heart plummets but I try to store it deep down and enjoy our time together. After all I would be a douche if I did all this just because I love her.

After some weeks I start to enjoy our time again, I think to myself "this can work out as it is, being just friends".

One day she tells me what I think of girls that have multiple crushes. Stupid and Dense me don't understand her. Ask her how you can love more than one person. She remains persistent and asks what I would do if a girl in a relationship were to confess her feelings for me.

Still a huge idiot I tell her "I will never accept the feelings of someone that cheats their bf". She says "what about if you loved that person?". "I would still not accept her feelings. How would you feel if your love cheated on you?"

Months pass, our time together is great. We have grown quite close and I love every minute with her.

One day she invites me over to her town. I happily oblige. It is summer, she shows me around town. She then invites me into her home. We listen to music and have a blast.

Suddenly I feel the atmosphere shift weirdly. (I never had a proper gf by that time and the only girl I kissed took me 30 minutes of awkwardly sitting around).

I suddenly ask her what she is trying to say. I don't understand what is going on. She confesses she fell in love since way back I started talking to her and caring so much for her. I don't understand. "Don't you have a BF?" "Yes I did, we just broke up." "But didn't you love him?" "I do but I am weird since I can remember I always loved multiple guys at once" "I don't understand"

Turns out she tried to have sex with me, a complete virgin. I am still not sure why she hid the fact that she broke up from me that day. The only thing that might have caused it was my recommendation, that the girl confessing while in a relationship needed to spend time single, in order to get to know her feelings of love.

I was so shocked and scared of the whole new sex thing I froze up and we decided to walk me back to the train. Turns out she had planned all of the aspects of her advance by doing it within the last 30 minutes before my train arrived so that if I would turn her down she could walk me home immediately.

On the long way to the train station she told me that she was terribly sorry and that I deserved better. She told me that she felt horrible jumping on someone as naive as I. Apparently she fell in love with me due to me caring so much for her and just being damn nice to her. Apparently her BF was quite the douche to her. Furthermore me being a virign and all made it very easy for her to figure that I had a crush on her. That is why she told me she had a BF. But what made her fall was the fact that I ended up staying as kind to her as before, knowing I would not be with her and being all against cheating on people. Apparently she decided to try what I recommended but soon succumbed to her desires ending up using me knowing full well how innocent I was (I told her about my past relationships). She started also telling me that she hit on many other guys (including her boss) depending on who she felt fancy.

The worst thing is she told me that she was not ready for a relationship. She just wanted sex. Meanwhile I had laid my whole being bare to her, telling her about my fears, my joys etc... Now that I think back I found it very weird how she always seemed accusing me of pretending, even snooping around only to find I was genuine. This should have been a red flag that she did those things to seem innocent and feared I did the same.

It broke my heart seeing the girl I love not only turn out like this but also use me for easy sex, throwing all our relationship, friendship out of the window in order to get her thrill.

After that she only visited me once. I lied to myself and told her we could do it so that I would at least stop being a virgin and get to be with my crush at least once, but it felt horrible. She got off quite easily, but I couldn't. I don't know if it was the anxiety of going all the way straight away or the fact that she had such an amazing technique which showed her experience boning every dick she saw many times over.

Since then I have stopped caring about any relationship. I even believe that love as shown in the mind of MC is impossible. My experience has taught me a lot and I have lost some of my innocence. Funny how it is always the guys who like traditional romance that get sex friends that other guys would love to have.

As you can see the author is very realistic. For all brothers and sisters who have been hurt in this manner before, I salute you. If I were the MC I would have closed her off completely after the boat ride. I would never want to be with her after hearing all that. I would just run away from her or close myself off like in Real Life. Maybe that explains why I do art alot. A way to cope with my experiences.
Feb 16, 2018
natsu no zenjitsu all over again. filled with emotions, mostly: sadness.

i just read this at 1am, listen to some sad music, feel pretty bad. feel like i might throw up soon. idk why im typing this but i feel like someone might feel like the way i feel

i dont have any relationship like this manga, but the way MC behaves reminds me of my young naive self. it just hurts, so much from a bad relationship. really.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
There's really something mesmerizing about this manga. I just couldn't stop stop reading it. I just read the whole thing so I don't know how to put it in words yet, I'll update this if I get my thoughts straight.
Feb 8, 2019
Came for the ecchi tag.... Stayed for the feels.. This Manga hits close to home for me.
Aggregator gang
Dec 13, 2018
woah, I didn't expect to see that kind of post here, I mostly see post like this on Reddit. You know what they say on a person who has this kind of painful relationship experience, just keep trying lol.

also regarding your story, her ex-boyfriend being a douche is completely understandable because her girl is also a bitch and possibly a slutty cheater too. don't think too much about it lol
Double-page supporter
Jun 9, 2019
Whoa, that new volume cover, though. I feel like this manga is going to quickly turn darker in tone, considering this managaka's penchant for somber, bittersweet, tragic endings and such.
Jun 21, 2018
Whoa okay volume 3 cover is much more sexual than the last two. Will things take a darker turn? We shall see.

Also people putting their life stories out there, wow you have some dedication.
Aug 28, 2019
@Emilysara @YUWIN
this is the volume 3 cover right and considering the length of the previous volumes aren't we almost done with it. So what darker turn cause it's the volume 3 chapters we've been reading
Jun 21, 2018
@Sniperking You know what, I didn't realize that..

Maybe after Chapter 32 he goes into a deep dark hole or abuses her for his lust???!

Or maybe it's just clickbait?!

Or maybe I will drop this manga altogether???

Who knows?! Find out in Chapter 32 (whenever it gets uploaded)!

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