Many people prefer Hime and Akira to be together but I think it would be better that they're not.
"Who Said That Your First Love is Beautiful?", remembered a whole chapter talked about that, with that title? Hime learned to let go & accept her feeling, and that her first love is not beautiful. If she ever ended up with Akira, the whole thing would have dumped into the ocean; the whole chapters would have been useless. Hime ended up with her first, and childhood, love would have crushed the great message those chapters send. "Happy ends like in a fairy tale surely don't exist", that's one of the many themes of the manga. So it'd be better if they're not together, and they're not a bad couple, just that it might be bad for the series. (Also, we got to see the queerplatonic representation, guys)
And the whole lonely Akira thing. Transgenders and the LGBTQ+ are still not always get accepted (in this particular universe, for example), so I see her as someone who " still fighting against prejudice and finally found someone she loves", I mean, although Hime caught the bouquet(Akira not lucky to found love easily), Akira is the one who holds the bouquet at the end(finally found it), not Momo or Anzu or anyone, but Akira.
The ending isn't awesome(I actually prefer it end at the graduation), but it really isn't too bad for a short read. The manga is still a nice one overall.
Thank you Takase-sensei for the story :Đ, and Hachimitsu for the translation.