Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san - Ch. 164

Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2018
@ZeroR3 with a yes/no pillow duh

(jk idk how it works in their country, but i find it's not so rigid in mine)
Dec 29, 2018
@miyako19 although India is in asia it has a much different outlook on sex compared to japan. I'm not surprised Japan has a decreasing birth rate if this portrays how adult culture is in Japan.


Obviously nothing is wrong if the government has to tell people to have more sex LOL
Sep 3, 2018
Isnt China's population falling because of those strict laws now?

India - They're also in poverty, so most of their children are born on pretty bad condition

Japan and Korea - Their population is falling as well.

@ZeroR3 Lol they probably send a letter in the mail.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 12, 2019
You are right. I'm mexican, but I have been learning japanese for 9 years and get to know well some japanese people, even some chinese.
Some are my age (23) and when talking about differences between México and Japan, the things people see as normal or common change a lot on different topics. Getting to know other languages and cultures really show You how different people can be.

And even here in México, a place know for being, either a continous party full of sex, drugs or a violent place, etc... Some adults, on certain cities are very close about sex. They will never speaking or hint about it even between them, some men could get angry that their spouses dare to speak about that.

The world is a place with different views
Active member
May 23, 2020
Its wholesome but honestly why do wholesome protagonists have to be such childishly shy prudes. I want to see a bit of romance and affection between them now that theyre married but it feels like hes about to shout "cooties!" and run away. I mean his wife just flirted with him and he denied her and went to sleep. Feels like chi mustve been immaculate conception.
Sep 5, 2019
@miyako19, you're likely not married yet. My wife and I teased each other pretty casually, including making small sexually-related talks, but only when it was just the two of us. I am Asian btw. However, in this case, it is perhaps that Nishikata was suspicious that Chi was near and was not taking her bath as his wife claimed, so he avoided her wife's tease of "warming him up at night".
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 29, 2018
@StaK I just pretend this series is Takagi's imagining what her married life with Nishikata will be like, then him being such a bumbling prude makes more sense, its the only version of him she's seen
Dec 20, 2019
If you guys want to see husband and wife being lovey dovey just read tonikaku kawaii. The difference is that they just got married and still don't have a kid yet. But the cuteness, wholesomeness, fluffiness, and gags are on par with this series if not better. Just my opinion tho
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I don't even have a kid and I know I'd be over the moon to get a scarf from them ;_;
Active member
Aug 30, 2018
So, personally, I'm not expecting them to SHOW the displays of affection. I just find it so damn jarring when he gets shy and stutters/starts making excuses like the thought he and his wife could be intimate is an absurd notion to him EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. It just takes it to a 10 when you realize they've been married (more than likely lived together shortly before that as well) for years now and have a child. I just want the guy to occasionally laugh, not get embarrassed so easily and even joke back with her.

If I ONLY wanted to see him being teased, the original with them as kids is still ongoing ( or at least fans are still translating it) I could read that instead when it's essentially a 1:1 similarity and the only difference is... Chi.

Outside of that, I really don't have an issue with it. And ya, I know it is indicative of Japan's view on sex and intimacy. But I can't take that seriously when they're top five in the world for sexual entertainment, they have a massive sex industry and escort business.
Apr 19, 2019
Having Nishitaka being shy and flustered when his wife teases him & displays affection towards him has nothing to do with Japan's or Asia's view on sex or intimacy. It's just the premise of this spin-off and always will be. Instead of constantly complaining about this premise and/or making the same old joke how Chi was conceived, WHY. NOT. READ. A. DIFFERENT. MANGA. ALTOGETHER instead of wasting one's time reading this one, because that's what the naysayers want in the end: A whole different manga.

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