Ch 50 page 17-27 is what I'd say make this somewhat a good companion piece to the R18 version of this manga.
Some point to mull over:
- Both Yamagishi (male MC) and Iida (female MC) have some screw loose, namely Yamagishi have cuckold tendency that enjoy imagining their loved one having sex with someone else, and Iida probably have something like sadistic tendency that enjoy seeing their loved one having painful pleasure.
- Page 24-28 shows that Iida doesnt like having sex with other people when the story pacing imply that she did the deed with other people, so it means all the explicit "stories" shown in page 18-21 is fabricated by Iida to tell Yamagishi that enjoy this 'cuck scenario'
(it doesnt explained in the story that Yamagishi know this is fabricated or not, but it probably leans to Yamagishi believing Iida does what she told in the stories).
- Page 30-31 reinforces sadistic Iida that she like seeing Yamagishi pained expression
- Based on page 32-33, we can infer that both Yamagishi and Iida actually have feeling for each other, but chose this kind of relationship because of said tendency above.
- So 2 abnomal people that enjoy the kind of connection they have. That the general mass might view them as weird.
You could say the R18 version is Yamagishi delusion pictured (it shows the sex that Iida does like it actually happened), and this All-ages version is what actually happened in real life (all the sex shown in R18 is fabricated because of point 2 above)
But thats just my interpretation, or maybe I'm reading too much into this lol.