Kasane to Subaru - Vol. 3 Ch. 18

Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2018
I'm always excited to see this series in my inbox. yamada does a great job making the corporations in her works feel real, it's a nice contrast to a lot of office manga where every other conversation ends up feeling like that "where's the numbers report???" tiktok
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2023
The look on Kasane's eyes as the meeting went on and how she closed the design documents on her laptop... 😢

It's a good lesson to learn about dealing with clients and their needs, so I hope she doesn't take it too hard. Maybe Subaru can offer a nice healing butt squeeze?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
Looked like she took it a bit too hard, but I have every confidence her boy will help her through it. We all suffer from that initial wave of disappointment from criticism even when it's delivered so politely...good time to have friends you can vent to and work through it.

It's amazing how well the cute tone and style meshes so well with the very real struggle of adulting.

And can I just say that Subaru is a Chad among chads for being such a gentleman :chad:
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
I get it love. Putting in 100% just to get rejected and having to start all over.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 26, 2023
To be fair, they say “We want a cute frog” proceed to bash every single design without any form of complement, then bring out a bunny keychain and say we want something like this. Genuinely, fuck this woman this is not how you request art nor how you have a design meeting with said artist(s). You have to use the sacred texhnique: A compliment sandwich, say what you like, give the critiscim, and talk more about what you like.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 2, 2019
This client is an angel compared to the usual, at least she gave a solid example of the direction to go (i.e cutesy, geared to the audience and even gave color examples) AND was happy and not prejudiced that a female designer was the project lead. It could have gone much worse: give vague descriptions like ’’I dunno it just doesnt look good”, say they dislike all the drafts without giving any more detail, let it out on Kasane’s boss for letting a newbie pitch this or worst of all- saying they’ll cancel this job and just AI it themselves due to budget cuts. Yeah I’m bitter.

At least the sleeping next to each other was cute. And Kasane will grow from this (the hurt is never gonna leave though).
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
So I'm not in design or anything freelance, but God no matter how nice and respectful that lady was I want to bash her head in. Woman literally gave no guidelines other than "cute frog" and then proceeded to say "yeah.. none of these match what I had in mind" and gave all these instructions while never once complimenting the artists initial work.

That really just seems like wasted time now. What's worse is judging from the comments this is normal in the industry. My heart absolutely goes out to anyway in design.

On another note, this chapter reminded me how much I hate gender norms. She insulted the designs as "boyish" and then had the gall to say "I'm happy we have a women working on these". I'm just saying the idea of certain colors being for certain genders is outrageous and only because we as adults push them on them. Now I think the. Specific comment of the girls at HER school like purple recently is really good, but a backhand comment like "I don't like this design because it's too boyish" is awful. A young age is about the only time kids can still just enjoy themselves without gender bias, and it sucks how much we push gender roles on them that early. Concepts like a "tomboy" that push the idea that any girl who likes to play outside and get physical (something very normal and healthy for all kids) is somehow not a proper girl is insane. Plus more girls than boys doesn't mean no boys. So she's just proposing the toy ONLY appeal to the school's female students? WTF?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
This client is an angel compared to the usual, at least she gave a solid example of the direction to go (i.e cutesy, geared to the audience and even gave color examples) AND was happy and not prejudiced that a female designer was the project lead.
I'm interested in how we're reading into this differently. As I see it the client is incredibly prejudiced with old school ideas of gender roles and norms. Which is directly counter to the theme of this manga. She's nice on the surface yeah, but she's happy a woman is leading the design because it's a toy for girls. At the same time she said she didn't like the original proposals for being too "boyish" despite that design having been made from "your own experiences" as advised by her friend. I took the halfway tears at the end and flashback to both scenes to be the contrast between what the client (representing traditional ideas about gender) expects of her as a "woman" and the reality that she just doesn't fit into that stereotypical idea of a "woman".
Jan 19, 2018
Design: 10% creativity, 40% repetitive iteration, 50% handling the client's emotions.

Customer demands for design work always seems like the worst. Backend stuff is bad enough but with design the customer often feels like they could do it themselves, or want to be more hands on.
Jan 19, 2018
I'm interested in how we're reading into this differently. As I see it the client is incredibly prejudiced with old school ideas of gender roles and norms. Which is directly counter to the theme of this manga. She's nice on the surface yeah, but she's happy a woman is leading the design because it's a toy for girls. At the same time she said she didn't like the original proposals for being too "boyish" despite that design having been made from "your own experiences" as advised by her friend. I took the halfway tears at the end and flashback to both scenes to be the contrast between what the client (representing traditional ideas about gender) expects of her as a "woman" and the reality that she just doesn't fit into that stereotypical idea of a "woman".
You know I had not really caught that. It is really kinda goofy how Japan now has the same gendered colors as the US (not sure about other western countries).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2023
You know I had not really caught that. It is really kinda goofy how Japan now has the same gendered colors as the US (not sure about other western countries).
there are some unique gender/color norms. First one that came to mind is "black backpacks for elementary boys, red backpacks for girls." Then when they hit middle school the backpacks go away, and the kids start exploring fashion, which is also culturally mediated rules for performing as "yourself."

What bugs me the most about "gender norms" is that they're all arbitrary signs for behaviors. 100% made up. They're only going to hold true for half a century before evolving into some new arbitrary behavioral rules.

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