Katainaka no Ossan, Kensei ni Naru ~Tada no Inaka no Kenjutsu Shihan Datta noni, Taisei shita Deshi-tachi ga Ore wo Hottekurenai Ken~ - Vol. 6 Ch. 27…

Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2020
goddamned what a sad story
anyway, this does not excuse anything. you are the same as those that took her from you, no worse. The trail of innocent bodies you have strewn with your current employer dwarf the death of the one you held dear.
nothing to see here, just pure hypocrisy of the worst kind
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Jan 25, 2018
The anime looks a lot better than I expected, I really thought it was gonna be another abomination of an adaptation. CGI seems pretty decently done. While I don't expect it to be as amazing to see as the manga it seems like the action will be pretty good for what it is. Cautiously optimistic now
well.. that's just the trailer, they often spend some good time and money on those, same with the first few episodes and then it goes downhill all the way. there's also the risk of a 12 cour series just not getting anywhere interesting.

as for the chapter in itself, i'm glad we have seemingly finished the backstory of the "swordsman villain" in question. we've only seen a sneak preview of what's to come, but our MC is likely gonna cripple the sword real fast.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2024
Man. What a tragic backstory.

Too bad it doesn't make sense. Yeah, I can understand he'd want to bring her back. What I DON'T understand is why he'd work with ANYONE of the church. Let alone a guy who is EXACTLY the same kinda shit bag that caused her death.

Like, is the goal of the backstory meant to make me sympathize or hate him unconditionally?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 9, 2020
I understand why Laffey healed him instead, but I'm pretty sure he would have been fine if she healed herself first.

Also, if someone/organization killed someone I loved, and I had the power to wipe them away, they wouldn't exist anymore. I wouldn't join them no matter what.

They took advantage of his weakness at his lowest point. Doesn't excuse what they've done, because they likely know they're a dupe at this point... But when you're that low, any olive branch seems like a godsend, even if it ends up being a fake one that's going to ruin you.

In any case, academic, the guy's either super dead or going to become an ally. Likely super dead.


Dex-chan lover
Mar 25, 2019
The anime art is to clean. Hope the story is good.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 25, 2018
Yes there is, a few days ago a PV came out too

It's interesting that they use a mix of 3D for the fight, I assume to create a smooth flow between each strikes

Hopefully it's implemented correctly and doesn't look jarring, it takes you out of the story/fight when that happen :shamihuh:
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2023
The swordsaint is about to really awaken.
Curious how the anime will go. Though I am holding my breath, it might just become another one-cour promo for the LN - like stretching the arcs by prolonging every 5-second move into 15-minutes worth of dialogue and analysis. But I will take it once it airs.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
If you want her power. . .why she ded? The hell their hoolgian failing the mission just like that. :notlikethis:
It's more like "only those who belongs to the church are allowed to wield such a power". Some random person wielding the power of god's miracles would undermine authority of the church. So, rather than wanting her power, they just don't want that power be outside of the church.
She already clearly stated that she won't join a church, so the church just want her get into the "unfortunate accident" instead.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I mean, I can see where he's coming from. Yeah, it doesn't make sense, but it kinda doesn't have to. He's lost all hope, the love of his live is dead and he's spent who knows how long on a pretty empty vengeance. Then comes this asshole and tell's him that he can resurrect his loved one. He can either kill him and keep going until he's dead, or he can take that chance, resurrect Laffey. Plus, if it works, they can resurrect the rest of the dead people too, for sure.

Of course it's not going to work. But it's the only hope he has, and hope sometimes is nothing but a sweet poison that drives us to our demises.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2023
Hmm i do hate the word Swordsaint because saints are peaceful people who tends to be selfless and very helpful to everyone. often do try to heal people, feed the poor and help them on their feet again 100% selfless.
so anyone who uses a sword is kinda different.
so our cool MC is more like a swordmaster. he is SO great with a sword that he is close to be a demigod. Sword medium?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2018
Honestly, this is dogshit... I don't know who is to blame, the author, the publisher or the translator, but the pacing is horrendous.

This chapter might as well not exist. The backstory of a bad guy no one cares about. This fight has been going in for more than half an year now.

This segmented releases are horrendous, I'll just drop this and come back in 5 years, when there are 3 full chapters to read.

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