Kawaisou na Imouto-chan - Ch. 84 - Broken Heart [End]

Nov 5, 2024
Wouldnt mind it not ending with them getting together, incest thing and so though, but this one is a boring as hell ending, lol all this development and drama route after the slice of life incest should not been made if it was to give this ending, if just dropped there it would be fine, but this is a waste of time. Now i know what mangaka not to look content from.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 9, 2023
I mean.. this sorta manga usually ends as an absolute complete incest-train-on-fire-crash.. or fizzles out as a non-ending. To get the 'wholesome' end where we get the degenerateness but they both move on happily actually doesn't feel too bad. Hope we also get the train-crash alternate ending though :meguusmug:
Nov 5, 2024
Lmao, can't even bother to do basic due diligence aye?

Need to go "ha incel" to avoid the hard truth.

It isn't that she "had sex" it's how and with whom.

And no "pair-bonding" isn't with many, it's with ANY. It starts diminishing after one partner, this is a fact. It's just that it's exponential. i.e. it climbs FAST, that "large number" is around 3-5... sooooo yeah. (you can argue all you want, but statistics don't lie).

Also you can't compare SA victims, to someone being the perpetrator... Very different psychological impacts. (one had no control, the other was in control)

And they don't have "Normal" relationships, they have close to normal relationships, because no matter what, they have scars, scars they can learn to cope with, but ones they can't ever truly move on from.

Don't confuse the two. Normal would be not having the memories of such an event at all. But that's not the case now is it?

Now imagine for perpetrators... who weren't really punished at all.. and then they get a new victim... your "more than their past" point is for those who have actually changed themselves and improved... she literally just went "well shit, I can't get him anymore, I'll move to this guy" zero remorse... she's sad that she failed, not sad that she did it.

Since it seems it needs to be said, cause you lowered yourself to throw around incel to be cool and get your "own" in, zero value as a wife doesn't mean they don't have value as a human being.

But hey, if you wanna marry someone like that (the sister), go ahead. Some people have to learn reality the hard way.
The sense of this ending is that she changed, she was so many years dreaming with her brother (wet and sad dreams), and then finally meeting him to let him go, to him be happy, in middle of crying and no cynicism there, even if before she threatened him, she was still a child and got traumatized as in the potato imouto arc. Her throwing her hair thing now was just showing it, she moving on and meeting new people.

Neither onii-san got traumatized much, since even two months after they did the deed, onii-san wanted more and was feeling guilt just because it was all wrong, not because she forced him and so. Even if reality it would be different this is what the creator showed to us. This is a manga, the common sense apply as much it is convenient to the author.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2023
This ending is a betrayal. All those hype down the drain. 😭

We lost the war, imoutobros.
You guys forgot about that Tokyo advertising law. Only Hank actually has the balls to make incest romance these days. If you see an incest work made after 2020 just know 9 times out of 10 it won't work out.
I think BL/Yuri manga might have ignored this though but idk.
Didn't think I'd have to explain how the local government killed manga genres but that's the work we live in lol
Dex-chan lover
Nov 29, 2024
You guys forgot about that Tokyo advertising law. Only Hank actually has the balls to make incest romance these days. If you see an incest work made after 2020 just know 9 times out of 10 it won't work out.
I think BL/Yuri manga might have ignored this though but idk.
Didn't think I'd have to explain how the local government killed manga genres but that's the work we live in lol
Mind elaborating a bit?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2023
Mind elaborating a bit?
Tokyo ordinance laws were amended in 2011 to make anything related to incest an "unhealthy publication" and therefore aren't allowed to be advertised in the Tokyo Metropolitan area (AKA one of if not the biggest markets for manga).
Just like most government ordinances, the excuse is to "protect children from dangerous material" but they're just exorcising control over publishers.

Some other genres were impacted too but incest got it the worst. "Imouto Paradise 2" was the first publication to get fucked by the law back in 2015 and it only encouraged publishers to not make any incest manga at all, or if they had to, make sure they can't show it being positive or healthy.
This is also why despite being one of if not the last person to have the balls to publish it, Hanks last manga could only allude to the brother and sister couple having a fruitful relationship.
In short if a work glorifies incest then it falls a foul to Tokyo Ordinance laws and can not be advertised.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 29, 2024
Tokyo ordinance laws were amended to make anything related to incest an "unhealthy publication" and therefore aren't allowed to be advertised in the Tokyo Metropolitan area (AKA one of if not the biggest markets for manga).
Just like most government ordinances, the excuse is to "protect children from dangerous material" but they're just exorcising control over publishers.

Some other genres were impacted too but incest got it the worst. "Imouto Paradise 2" was the first publication to get fucked by the law back in 2015 and it only encouraged publishers to not make any incest manga at all, or if they had to make sure they can't show it being positive or healthy.
This is also why despite being one of if not the last person to have the balls to publish it, Hanks last manga could only allude to the brother and sister couple having a fruitful relationship.
Major “Bruh Moment” there Japan
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
this is Attack on Titan's level of dissapointing ending but whatever, we knew the author didnt have the balls

see you next time cowboys, hopefully in a series with relentless little sister porking, just like they deserve
Dec 25, 2019
Lot of courage from the author, but this is not bad at all! Glad I could follow this up for a couple of weeks.
Oct 16, 2023
Nah man, she slept with her brother. You can't just pull a normal ending and expect us to accept this as a serious story. You need to go balls to the wall.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2020
Boys... we lost.

I appreciated the wholesome and somewhat realistic ending, but we are not here for that dude,
this shitstorm was meant to end the most unhinged way smh
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
The sense of this ending is that she changed, she was so many years dreaming with her brother (wet and sad dreams), and then finally meeting him to let him go, to him be happy, in middle of crying and no cynicism there, even if before she threatened him, she was still a child and got traumatized as in the potato imouto arc. Her throwing her hair thing now was just showing it, she moving on and meeting new people.

Neither onii-san got traumatized much, since even two months after they did the deed, onii-san wanted more and was feeling guilt just because it was all wrong, not because she forced him and so. Even if reality it would be different this is what the creator showed to us. This is a manga, the common sense apply as much it is convenient to the author.
The amount of copium in that comment...

Bruv no. There's zero common sense in this :dogkek:

If the onii-chan (san is for non relatives afaik), actually felt that way... then it'd be "Kawabanga!" especially since the line has already been crossed.

Ain't no dudes actually think and act like he did with such emotions.

Then you have all the damage that can't be undone that the author just ignores to do their shitty ending.
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
Boys... we lost.

I appreciated the wholesome and somewhat realistic ending, but we are not here for that dude,
this shitstorm was meant to end the most unhinged way smh
Bruv... it ain't wholesome... like at all.

Calling that wholesome is the same as calling forest gump wholesome. That ain't it fam. (for the same reasons here, the shit that would logically happen after that they don't show. like Gump dying from aids).

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