Keikenchi Chochiku de Nonbiri Shoushin Ryokou ~Yuusha to Koibito ni Tsuihou sareta Senshi no Mujikaku zama~ - Ch. 22

Mar 10, 2018
actually MC wants to beat the POS down to save his other childhood friend and fiance. He eventually finds out the other girl was sold as a slave. And pretty much hunts him down to save his fiance. When he finally finds him he already got his ass kicked by another demon. Until it's revealed the fiance is the demon lord and basically manipulated the guy so he would be a loser and not a threat which wasn't hard since the brainwashing power already made him a POS anyway. Also bitch killed MC's parents.
After that it was on sight for both. Though he did save the guy. So he would be executed later. He didn't even bother going to the execution.
he does get revived due to the armor the bitch demon lord gave him. Still on sight though. And I have finished the wn so I don't know how it ended.

There are a few other funny details I left out. But that's the basic just.
Thank you for the detailed summary. As expected
fake hero is not disposed by mc
, mc is too kind to do things such as revenge. Expected this but well, it can't be helped.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
What's with Isekai MCs and slavery? I get that most of these are just power-fantasy stories, but this is getting ridiculous lol.
there's probably a fetish component in there somewhere. pretty lady in chains needs help, so MC helps and he gets an enthusiastic and loyal follower.

other aspect is likely that there is no time in human history where slavery or a dynamic like it didn't exist. chattel labor, child brides, the slave trades still occur in certain continents these days. if anything, a non-industrial setting with any noticeable wealth disparity must have a slave-like class for the setting to be internally consistent. well, other than with characteristics like "everyone has magic so they can do everything by themselves" or "god is real, is good, and is involved".
Jan 23, 2018
not isekai.
but the slave thing was to causal that it was almost funny
do you think that slavery wasn't "casual" during medieval times? You guys need to learn how to differentiate fiction from reality. Our beliefs and morality shouldn't be imposed in a work of fiction that doesn't even happen in a modern setting.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
why being slave of one guy when you can be the slave of another guy huh... slavery is always the answer if you are a female in a generic shounen power fantasy manga... Edit: Normally I don't mind the slave trope in isekais but thinking that's the ONLY solution is very stupid...
Well, the solution here is that he is going to command her to never take her life forcing her to stay alive. This troupe isn't really a new one though, as other series had used Forced Command or Brainwashing in a way to stop a person from committing suicide or letting themselves die out.

Considering there isn't any other option from stopping her from taking her own life, i guess it works in a way. But there was also the possibility to instead make her parents be her owner as they would have also stopped her from taking her own life.

Also she wasn't really a slave to the Hero, she was brainwashed and controlled. And it seems that one of the main criteria of becoming a slave is that the person shouldn't be brainwashed. Which is why i guess the Hero chose brainwashing than slavery.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
Granted now we have the stupid Slavery trope but at least this time it's to actually prevent her from self harm ... though wasn't there a better way? Like I dunno contract Magic or something ...uhg...
Well, there really isn't that much difference between Contract Magic and Slave Binding, other than the fact that Contract is made two-ways (meaning both sides should have their own clause), while Slave Binding is one-sided (as it forces the will of one person on another).
Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2023
The slavery thing is only to keep her from killing herself which is an okay reason compared to other slavery. Plus, I don’t think the friend is sticking around, she’s just going home and the slavery seal is there to keep her from harming herself.

Now, if there was a place of healing or mental institution then yeah, put her there.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
do you think that slavery wasn't "casual" during medieval times? You guys need to learn how to differentiate fiction from reality. Our beliefs and morality shouldn't be imposed in a fiction work that doesn't even happens in a modern setting.
The fact that it is a fictional story, written by a contemporary author, makes it completely appropriate to judge it by modern standards.

I don’t have a dog in this fight, as most of the revenge genre is trash and I am a trash man, but the argument “it was different then” is inappropriate. Then was no “then” because the story is fictional and the world is fictional (no rpg like magic world around that I know of) and the author has complete control of events and world building.

Personally, I just think the author didn’t have the chops to write an arc about her recovery and opted for a simple solution. That’s fine, but there’s no reason to defend it like this is a documentary.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
Japanese people REALLY love their slaves in fantasy. Fucking them too! (specially that)
Well, most of the MC's in these type of Manga are average looking characters.
So, as in real life average people can't easily get a girl (because they have high standards when it comes to guys especially in a country like Japan). So readers believe that it would be the same in the fiction as well, aka., it would be hard for a Average guy in fiction to get a girl easily, and even if he does get one by some miracle there is a high chance she might leave him if she finds someone better (a reason why NTR is popular in Japan).
So, the best way to avoid that is slavery, as it stops the girl from finding someone better.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2023
In this case what was his opinion? Oh maybe some type of magic exists that can prevent her from hurting herself? Well, he used it! But it seems to me many tend to generalise slavery and manga! While slavery as a practice is deplorable, we can't pretend it never happened! It's old as human history and still exist in some countries (masked by laws) in Asia,Africa and the Arab world although it was outlawed in 1990! Various type of slavery existed, from military prisoners to people sold by their own families! Also light criminal offenders who "worked" their sentences, because prisons didn't really exist! What we're most associate with slavery is Africans sold to the Americas! Sadly that's just the tip of the iceberg!
So stop generalising and projecting! If you're OK with depictions of brutality, murder and revenge killing, you can't be "outraged" by slavery :meguusmug:
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 27, 2018
Thank you for the detailed summary. As expected
fake hero is not disposed by mc
, mc is too kind to do things such as revenge. Expected this but well, it can't be helped.
I wouldn't say he's kind. He just had higher priorities at the time.
Asshat was basically an afterthought iirc. He basically brought him back alive because he figured others had more beef with him than anything else. It's his ex that he wanted to really deal with. She was gonna die that day no matter what. I should go back and re-read it because I really liked that arc.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 23, 2018
Had to double check if that was gf but nope he’s definitely out for blood. Want to see how he tears him a new one
Double-page supporter
Apr 1, 2019
You know... This might actually be one of the few instances of magic slavery I'm OK with in isekai. He's not doing it because "Oooh, pretty woman, me buy and have sex" He's doing it because she's suicidal and this way he can magically command her to not kill herself. He wants her to live and get over her trauma, so he's making sure she has the ability to do so. It'd be far preferable to take her to a THERAPIST, but it's a fantasy isekai, so those don't exist. Still gross, but more acceptable than manga where the "Hero" just... BUYS slaves, or says "OK, you can be in the harem. BUT you have to be my slave."
Yea this is one of the few times where slavery is "Ok" as we see she don't want to die but also does not want to live so be commending her to live so that she can see reasons to live and be around someone she has always trusted. Question here is do therapist exist? If someone was acting like that in back in the middle ages they would be considered possessed and killed.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2018
why being slave of one guy when you can be the slave of another guy huh... slavery is always the answer if you are a female in a generic shounen power fantasy manga... Edit: Normally I don't mind the slave trope in isekais but thinking that's the ONLY solution is very stupid...
Maybe not the only solution, but certainly the most expedient.

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