I for my part enjoy it so far, even to the point where i'm genuinly interested in what's going to happen from here on out.
@Lepper i wouldn't necessarily agree with you on all of your points to be honest. While it's true that we've not been given enough time to get attached to any of there characters i think it might now be super important, so far i think it might just be there as a keypoint in the MC's directive and or story-building. I still disagree on all the fleshing out of the story, country, powers and such. I often feel like it's some kind of exam or SAT going on with borders, intrigues that might be happening and all that stuff being offloaded in the first 5 chapters and A LOT of names of kings and whatnot being thrown around, I often feel like it's too much even.
On the other hand .... there could have been a LITTLE more information.
But still, i do enjoy how it's going and how there's some holes that leave some big questions... i feel like there's a lot of potential here with us all being forced out of those areas the MC had been restricted to so far, even being forced to because of this tragedy.
I'd really like to follow the world building a little more than just having to cram it in some kind of isekai-tutoring chapter given by hot teacher xy, "royal f* tutor or whoever flown in to educate you".
Not saying it's the best there is. But sure has me wanting for more. There's questions i want answered. And hell, i'm going to read the chapters and if they're being answered i might even say more about it. And if not... so be it.