This manga manages to be overwhelmingly brutal and upfront with its violence, and really cute and funny at the same time.
There's so much dismemberment and blood and abuse in general, but then the author also manages to write really nice segments about the villains reflecting on their losses. Akagi's sulking over Kaede saying he doesn't want to partner with him anymore?? Wtf is with that, why did you have to make the village burning bad guys this cute?
Love this manga. It's sense of horror is great. I'm excited about every new chapter and the characters are so charming and lovable. Thank you for the scanlations.
Also, the fact spider-girl over her realized on her own what happened is funny in and of itself, but I also like the interactions between Akagi and Kanade, and the little detail throughout the chapter that make the characters so much stronger. (Now this is a yaoi ship I can get behind)
I really like that the author is going out their way to make their characters have depth and not be one dimensional villians or the like. Is cool in a refreshing way.
Haha! what a wacky and heartwarming talk these two characters had! hmm oh right, they commit a genocide on the snake people not too long ago, ah well forget about it, they're so wholesome actually! ...bleh...