Kimi ni Aisarete Itakatta - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Normal

Active member
Mar 19, 2019
Oh shit it's gonna be one of those stories huh?
Okay, strap in this is gonna be a wild depressing ride people!
Oct 23, 2018
hey guys ! You should check out this author's hentai too ! Well HER works may be a little fucked up but still great 😀
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
Nice I wasn't expecting a new chapter of the Adventures of a dumb high school slut so soon. xD
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
*rolls eyes*: My opinions incoming:
>Moped dude seems like a nice enough guy.
We will see.

>having sex with strangers is not normal
It more or less is
>hurting yourself by doing it
is NOT
>having sex with strangers and expecting love or affection
is human at best, not normal at worst. Probably not healthy...
To be honest, I met peeps with BPD and some of them assumed I don't like them because I didn't sleep with 'em. Yeah...
Sex by itself is a positive and nice thing, inb4 shaming culture and religion.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
>having sex with strangers is more or less normal
Well, I'd say it depends? Mostly on where and when you live, but also on other factors.
For one she is probably about 16-17, so having sex with strangers would be abnormal in most places for a girl her age. All the more if the strangers are adults who pay for it.
Also Japan is generally more conservative than Western countries, so while it wouldn't exactly be strange for adults it still wouldn't be seen the same way as people in the US would. And even then there's a big difference in perception between Los Angeles/Seattle and a rural town in Alabama.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018

Let me 'rephrase' it: First: Scratch the 'my opinion' part about sex - there is nothing inheretly bad about safe sex in a safe environment. Yeah, fucking to inflict selfharm or to manipulate others and so on might not be the healthiest behaviour but I am not gonna list ''all possible'' scenarios where it is bad or 'bad', inb4 rape and/or fucking with a severe heart condition.

I am aware of cultural differences and sooo on. Sex is good and stuck up opinions imo have to go.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 15, 2018
Having sex with strangers can be normal. For example, a lot of guys would sleep with an unknown beauty met on the street. But in her case, she uses sex as a cure, or should I say as a palliation. So I think what she needs most isn't really sex, but a therapy. And also a good/safe environment. But we all know she won't have that.
Active member
Aug 14, 2018
She's doing JK business which is prostitution guys. She's being paid to sell her body which even if she's liking it, still is prostitution
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Honestly I don't really intend to discuss whether it is good or bad, as that lies beyond the scope of the initial point, and in the first place, I do not believe such things can be stated absolutely in either case.
What I was referring to was the particular use of the word "normal", which has little to do with "good" and "bad".
In medieval Europe it would be "normal" to burn a witch. In some parts of the Middle East it would be "normal" to stone a homosexual. In any war killing an enemy soldier would be "normal" *insert token Einstein quote*
And not to fall back to Godwin's Law, but in Nazi Germany it would supposedly be "normal" to want all jews to die.

I'm sure all these things appear amazingly hideous acts to our modern sensibilities, but forgoing their actual moral value, they would indeed have been "normal" in the situations I described.
And just as a last point, let's not act as if we as inhabitants of the modern world are without fault and imperfections. Surely we mostly see ourselves as such, enlightened above others, but the same would be true of most other people living in most other times. Still there are many questionable things going on today that would be considered not only "abnormal", but positively evil in other times and places.

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