Kimi wa, Nina Janai - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - For finding me...

Dex-chan lover
Nov 30, 2018
The F you talking 🤨

He practically said Vtubing/Streaming etc, isn't a safe future, since your income is unstable and people could lose very well interest in you and find someone else to enjoy, which happens with endless YouTubers/Streamers, I doubt you for example are watching the same things you watched a couple years ago..

So you can't say he's wrong in anything he said, as of now he hasn't done anything to physical interfere with her decision to do it, sure he voiced his opinion, but that ain't a crime (So he isn't guilty of anything right now)
Think. Why did she started vtubing in the first place? Because she likes them? No. The main reason she started was because her shitty ass parents didn't give her the emotional care she needed.

Her trash father going on about how the future of vtubing isn't stable, how it's just a fad, while being the very reason she started that shit in the first place is blind as fuck. it's like I said. It's like if a murderer told me "Live a long full life" when the reason I tried suicide is because he murdered my family.

He wasn't even right about what he's talking about. He didn't look at any data. He just talked because he looked down on her. If he looked at the data, he'd know that vtubing (non indie and with a white company like Hololive, and not black company like Niji) is in fact growing each year and shown no sign of stopping yet. Hell, I'm not even a fan and I know this shit. How? Ask my recommended list.

Point is, dad is retarded, self absorbed, and blinded by his ego. So far, he acted like he knows everything when in fact he knows jack shit. Not about her career choices. Not about his own daughter. The only thing he knows is how to be miserable at his home and at his job. His fucking specialty.

Who needs enemies when your own parents actively destroy your confidence and mental well-being every single time you interact with them.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2023
Thanks for the chapter!

I know the father is "just looking after her daughter's well being and future" but there seems to be something so bitter underneath of all that 'tsundere tough-love parenthood' he is leading. I dunno, probably the mom also was not clean in the past.

It is also sad how Nina's life turned out like that. Parents who divorced, father who was really cold from the start then the mother (who she thought is her only ally left) dumped her to said problematic father's custody. No wonder she felt she no longer had a home to return to.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2023
Dad is an asshole, but at least he's not a complete scumbag like the mom.
I honestly can't tell which one is worse than the other. Mom runs away and instead of dad supporting Nina but also telling her she needs to have a backup plan he crushes her dreams. Not seeing a good person here.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 14, 2023
The F you talking 🤨

He practically said Vtubing/Streaming etc, isn't a safe future, since your income is unstable and people could lose very well interest in you and find someone else to enjoy, which happens with endless YouTubers/Streamers, I doubt you for example are watching the same things you watched a couple years ago..

So you can't say he's wrong in anything he said, as of now he hasn't done anything to physical interfere with her decision to do it, sure he voiced his opinion, but that ain't a crime (So he isn't guilty of anything right now)
Yeah, Vtubing/Youtubing is unstable job, that’s a fact. But If only he took care of her better, she wont have to resort to doing these “Unstable” job just so she can feel that she is being appreciated. So that post are quite right, her father telling her that is akin to listening your family killer trying to stop you from offing yourself because you have nothing to live for anymore. Sure, Suicide is bad, but i wouldnt kms if you didnt kill my family in front of me at the first place. The Father are literally the cause of why Nina become the Nina she is right now, and yet he doesnt change himself but instead trying to stop Nina from getting her happiness that he, as her father, has failed to provide for her. He’s basically tell her to stop being happy and keep being miserable for his sake.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2023
Can someone spoil me if this manga still has fluff content in future chapter? :qq:
Dex-chan lover
Feb 1, 2018
Implying VTubing wouldn't help someone, in Japan, break into the broader entertainment industry lol

Dad is short-sighted, can't see the bigger picture.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Well, so far he's acted like a parent that just went through divorce and is rather in a mood you'd expect.. but most things he's said so far as painful as it is for her are solid points though, if he does some marriage shit then he really is just a shitty parent even when getting the benefit of the doubt now
I don't believe that cold fish of a dad has any moods. I imagine the divorce didn't much matter to him, either. It's possible that's what broke the mom as well, making her want to distance herself not only from her ex-husband but also from the daughter, who would be a constant reminder. Or maybe the mother was a similar person and simply doesn't have enough emotions to care in the first place, who knows.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2018
Last time someone said "it doesn't have to be you", Kizuna Ai had to split into three personalities just to make sure the fans stay and everybody keeps their job, so….
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
I don't believe that cold fish of a dad has any moods. I imagine the divorce didn't much matter to him, either. It's possible that's what broke the mom as well, making her want to distance herself not only from her ex-husband but also from the daughter, who would be a constant reminder. Or maybe the mother was a similar person and simply doesn't have enough emotions to care in the first place, who knows.
Well, I'm just speaking based on the interaction, since as of right now we don't really know anything about him personally, or the circumstances surrounding the divorce, so ya right now he's only being guilty of being an asshole based on how he speaks, but that's not yet a crime 🤔
Dex-chan lover
Mar 21, 2019
How is that a problem? Just make money out of this fad while it lasts and jump to the next fad when it comes around. And if that fails it's not like people can't find other jobs later, with experience in the area she could probably work as a manager or in video editing in the future.

The dad is just full of shit because she's not becoming an OL.
Aug 18, 2023
The hypocrisy on this guy, honestly. Fad = meaning its an opportunity. dont tell me that you got your position without capitalizing on opportunities thats just BS. a sensible man would compromise a dumbass would do this shit
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 5, 2023
this chapter shows her having half a million subscribers, she's fcking loaded my guy.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
Shunned by both parents. Not a great way to live. At least her mum signed the papers for the vtuber thing. That's one thing she did right. Out of many wrongs.

Well, a lot of parents are like him. Get a "real" job. One that will last. He still said it was okay once she got stabilized on her own, which is much more of a concession than most of these parents give.

He's a traditional, harsh parent, who wants her the best in not quite the worst way. Him not interfering too much might be better than doing it in this case. In short, he's not wrong; he's just an asshole.

I think the best he could do would probably be to allow her to do what she wants, as long as she keeps her grades up. It's a general solution, but it would solve at least one of his worst fears. Making sure your kids get a proper education is part of your responsibility, after all.

I might have been a bit overzealous in claiming I'd be trying to get like four or five chapters out this week.
We all appreciate what you do, and that you should be as zealous as you think is healthy.

Stuff like this makes me really appreciate Kaoru and Nanami's parents from "Sometimes Even Reality Is a Lie!"...
You can appreciate them any day of the week without stuff like this, though.

I can't help but see hipocrisy in the dad's points. Everything he said could just as much apply to his own position.
I don't think it's hypocritical to advice your children to not do what you've done. It might come off as such, but it's about practicality and not morality. If you've done some mistakes, it's perfectly fine to tell others not to do that. Even if those mistakes ended up successfully.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2019
I don't think it's hypocritical to advice your children to not do what you've done. It might come off as such, but it's about practicality and not morality. If you've done some mistakes, it's perfectly fine to tell others not to do that. Even if those mistakes ended up successfully.
My comment wasn't really about her dad trying to prevent Nina from repeating his own mistakes and more about that what he said about her job applies to his own as well. I know it's the typical thing parents often say to crush their child's dream with a little bump of the reality hammer. Though it's often said more to the likes of "No need to try, it's unlikely you'll make it anyway", whereas here he implies that her job isn't stable. And that I think applies to all jobs. Whatever company her dad works for right now could go bankrupt tomorrow and decide to fire him/ bullying him into quitting. It may be true that the experience from his current job might help in finding new employment elsewhere in such a situation, but we can't forget that successful streamers are often entertainers. And those can find employment outside of streaming as well.
Tl,dr: Imo the dad tries to argue from a position that holds no ground.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
what he said about her job applies to his own as well.
Tl,dr: Imo the dad tries to argue from a position that holds no ground.
Are the jobs directly comparable in terms of stability and chances of future employment? I don't think they are. The entire entertainment business is generally less stable than most other markets. A single mistake is much more likely to cause devastating effects. Or a shift in popularity. Just because any company can go bankrupt doesn't mean every company is equally likely to go bankrupt. So I think his arguments does hold ground on that point.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2019
Assdad…before you asking that questions and criticism, why don't you ask yourself in the mirror why your wife divorced you huh? Is your attitude is cold like your attitude toward your daughter? No wonder she left and no wonder your daughter runaway from home
Group Leader
Jan 8, 2023
She definitely didn't think any of that which is fine since she's technically a kid and her father is making sense here. Yes the way he puts it is harsh but it doesn't make him less right. In fact, his points are even truer with vtubers especially belonging to a big company that it doesn't have to be "you".

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