Kimi wa, Nina Janai - Vol. 2 Ch. 22 - I'm Sorry

Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2024
Well not really surprised that bitch covered up a lie with another lie.
Once a liar, always a liar.

.....I'd still vote for good ol' fiat correction behavior
Group Leader
Jun 8, 2018
Oh hell
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2018
Is pretty clear what happened.
She didn't find another good man after MC left her.
Don't know what rumors spread in the company, but MC have less spine than a worm so I'm betting he didn't tell anyone she cheated and she possibly only said they fell out of love or even that wa shis fault, after all she did say it was his fault she cheated, like the bitch she is.
She knows he is a good guy and wanted to fuck around, MC found out by chance, but nothing says that was her first time or she would have left him if didn't discover it.
She most likely lied to her parents too and brought up some stupid reason to MC leaving her, or maybe invented that they separated in armony.
Most likely her plan is using MC being a fucking pushover to lie in the parents meeting and say they are back together and will marry soon, betting on MC inability to say no to anyone, even in the face of absurdity,
Remember how he just took it on himself in the flashback and had to go through therapy after being cheated on, his willspirit is weaker than a bug.
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 21, 2023
Go to her house, tell everything she did and then leave that bitch to her parents mercy. I would love to see some parental correction in the next chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2019
I'm torn between wanting MC to ignore to meetup with cheating bitch's parents and him actually going there and telling them they broke up because their daughter is a cheating bitch.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2023
The way Nagi acts like she controls him, I wouldn't be surprised if she's spoiled rotten by her parents. Even if he tells the parents the truth, it's possible they refuse to believe him. Nagi was able to fuck with his job prospects, parents might be the same kind of a-holes.

All this is to say there's a risk to standing up for himself, even though it's the right thing to do. I think this is less about getting Nagi in trouble for being a liar and unfaithful, more about Aoba learning to stand up for himself and refuse to accept Nagi's demands. Even if it costs him access to white-collar work.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
The audacity of that bitch, if that were me in his place: "oh, the reason your daughter and I aren't getting married you ask? Easy...she cheated on me, there's nothing more for me to elaborate on that, goodbye"
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
Wait didn't she break up with him? I'm not really understanding the last part of their conversation last chapter. She says she wants to break up because she's cheating on him? Whats he supposed to say to her parents besides "she fucked someone else so we broke up."?
That's call a lie good buddy, we all know she cheated on him, and also how she was the one to break up with him

She's a trashy ass human being that does nothing but lie
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2019
In the Best of lenses, the girl didn't find the low ambition MC as attractive. What do you do? Well communicate and sort it out. If you find youre incompatible in your thoughts, then break up. That's OK.

What did she do?

Cheat on the MC then had the gall to say MC dumped her. What a piece of shit.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
The problem that good, agreeable, and benevolent people have is that narcissists make short work of them. If such a good but naive person goes through hardships, yet still retains the pleasant personality, they can be among the best people on Earth. Of course many would be disillusioned and become more or less bitter, instead.

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