how to restart a demon takeover with your son/best friend 101
Step 1: Never be there for them when they really need you.
Step 2: Ignore them entirely when you're finally there with them.
Step 3: Watch as they use the powers of the Last Demon King from a time ago.
Step 4: Realize too late that you're responsible for not only restarting said Demon King Takeover, but made your son/bestfriend become said Demon King.
This story is so fucking good, the MC breakdown during the last chapter when he yelled at everyone who had turned him like this was a true heart ache of an experience. In just Ten Chapters did we not only get a proper understanding of the main character and everyone close to him, but we also get to see proper development that leads to such a bitter end for the prologue.
It's hard to make you feel so bad for the MC that you wish you could reach over and comfort him, but this story really nailed it quite well!