Kingdom - Ch. 799 - The Cycle of War

Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
riboku still a massive hypocrite, "omg Qin is evil, how dare they want to unify china?" yea it's much better now with several kingdoms that always war with one another, with psychotic and pedo kings and then we have you and your soldiers who massacre hundreds of thousands of soldiers and enslave who knows how many, how are you not evil riboku? you are way worse then Qin. with Kanki dead Riboku is now the most evil character.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 19, 2020
If this goes according to history, Riboku won't be around for much longer, and his country will fall
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
riboku still a massive hypocrite, "omg Qin is evil, how dare they want to unify china?" yea it's much better now with several kingdoms that always war with one another, with psychotic and pedo kings and then we have you and your soldiers who massacre hundreds of thousands of soldiers and enslave who knows how many, how are you not evil riboku? you are way worse then Qin. with Kanki dead Riboku is now the most evil character.
I would say the unifying and their huge body counts is still more evil than the alternative "constant wars", but it is weird that Riboku lets the evil kings stay and I don't think anyone ever really said anything about it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2018
I love how Shibashou's looking perfectly through Riboku's bullshit.
This was the first run, and he didn't like it at all, since it was all just Riboku using Seika as pawns and all he saw about Qin was nothing like what Riboku kept telling him Qin was.
SHS will be much more reluctant to go on a second run after this.

I would say the unifying and their huge body counts is still more evil than the alternative "constant wars", but it is weird that Riboku lets the evil kings stay and I don't think anyone ever really said anything about it.
A bunch of people have called out RBK for that, Kanki is one that pops to mind, that he's only looking outwards, never inwards. He's only set on keeping the status quo up, he's not advancing or fixing anything, and he knows Zhao's government is completely rotten but still refuses to do anything about it because ???
Honestly, it's really shocking that this is actually being portrayed as a fault of RBK rather than a virtue someway somehow considering how strong the RBKwank can get on this manga.
Active member
May 7, 2020
riboku still a massive hypocrite, "omg Qin is evil, how dare they want to unify china?" yea it's much better now with several kingdoms that always war with one another, with psychotic and pedo kings and then we have you and your soldiers who massacre hundreds of thousands of soldiers and enslave who knows how many, how are you not evil riboku? you are way worse then Qin. with Kanki dead Riboku is now the most evil character.
Well WTF else can you do, just let Qin steamroll your home country. Try telling that to Ukraine, conflict must be play out, what would you feel if the country next to your keep attacking, invading your country, in the name of unifying the world? They done it for years, killing and torture many of your country man and women and childrent,
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 28, 2018
riboku still a massive hypocrite, "omg Qin is evil, how dare they want to unify china?" yea it's much better now with several kingdoms that always war with one another, with psychotic and pedo kings and then we have you and your soldiers who massacre hundreds of thousands of soldiers and enslave who knows how many, how are you not evil riboku? you are way worse then Qin. with Kanki dead Riboku is now the most evil character.
Kanki was goodest boi
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 15, 2018
kinda funny the more riboku won his war and become more popular also the more the noose on his neck setup by his own country become tighter
At this point he should seriously just use his popularity and stage a coup. Like yeah, he can talk about Qin being wrong with the unification thing, but the Zhao higher ups are pretty corrupt and unlike with Qin, this is something Riboku can do something about if he really cared about his people. Since it's not like he's Yang Wenli with his insistence on democracy, there's ideologically nothing stopping Riboku from toppling the current King.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 15, 2018
riboku still a massive hypocrite, "omg Qin is evil, how dare they want to unify china?" yea it's much better now with several kingdoms that always war with one another, with psychotic and pedo kings and then we have you and your soldiers who massacre hundreds of thousands of soldiers and enslave who knows how many, how are you not evil riboku? you are way worse then Qin. with Kanki dead Riboku is now the most evil character.

One could split it between thinking about the present and thinking about the future.

It is true that Riboku's method would prevent more deaths and less tragedies in his lifetime by doing what he does, but it wont solve the problem and wars will continue.
And it is true that Qin's unification war will cause endless amount of bloodshed, destroyed families, tragedies, enslavery, resulting in boundless hatred towards Qin, but that'd be forgotten within a half a century or so when everyone who was alive during that is dead.

If Riboku thought more about the long run then one course of action he could do would be a coup d'etat, then once he's got the reigns of Zhao, he hands Zhao over to Qin, thus bolstering their military and forces, allowing them to swallow up lesser countries like Han easily, making Chu the only real threat remaining.
That's basically what Yan more or less is thinking, right? They're the ones that intend to submit to Qin once the time is right?

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