@Oculunus The Bananji army left their battlefield and started going around to Zhao's left before the scouts even reached Kinmou's army. The scouts then ran to the right to escape Kinmou which positioned them near where Bananji's army had started their maneuver. Bananji's army had by that time moved BEHIND the Hi Shin before the Hi Shin scouts could find them. In any case, the scouts should now be somewhere to the right of the Hi Shin and probably sitting in reserve for an attack on the Zhao HQ.
@eureur the guy opposite shin on their wing. After the two philosophic guys died, he retreated letting shin unit go flank the enemy HQ while he goes around to flank as well
As others have said below read previous chapters again it's not wallhax or something
Still Bananji himself is understrength due to extensive melee for a week already, so it's simply a race to break each other flank before other does