Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet

Group Leader
Mar 21, 2018
I'm still keeping Romio even though I feel a little bit uncomfortable. I prefer to stick to Kodansha's English naming convention to prevent any further issues.

I'll explain a bit about why Romio is taken to be legitimate. Inuzuka's name is in kanji (露壬雄), which is pronounced Ro-mi-o. It sounds like Romeo but isn't, and isn't meant to be more than a reference to the name "Romeo".

You can argue that we should keep to Romeo because Juliet's name is Juliet, not Jurietto (from ジュリエット). But it's not about keeping it as a parallel structure. The reason why Juliet is Juliet is because it is in katakana, which suggests that it is a foreign name and should be treated as a foreign name. Whereas, Romio is not a foreign name but an actual Japanese name.

By the same logic you would inadvertently be saying that Hasuki (狛井) should be treated as Husky because it sounds like Husky and is meant to be a reference to "Husky".

Plus, this might not be a good idea because his name is actually shown in the manga. I do not believe in "consistency" if we end up being consistently wrong.

It's clearly what the author intends and as such, what I will try my best to convey to readers.

Note: This is not on the English translation, this is on the Japanese raw.

Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
I hope that there's some scanlation war on Senryuu Shoujo series in the next
Mar 11, 2018
This kind of battle is the answer to catching up with the raw

Well, senryuu is a
real challenge for the one in
charge for translating.

Because not only you have to translate the senryuu, but you also have to translate it into senryuu form.
Jan 19, 2018
hey everyone, a battle is a good way to catch up, but tl,ts,rd multiple chapters a day while sacrificing a lot of time and receiving no money is asking us a bit too much. luckily the staff loves the manga.
Do we regret not doing it faster?
of course, my nice long chain of names next to the chapters is ruined. so we understand that we gotta work faster but keep in mind the amount of time we sacrifice and it’s not the best way to catch up raws in respect of scanlators and the readers.
May 24, 2018
Hey, you might love the manga and all but I definitely don't believe you when you bring the "can't sacrifice time and money", it makes you look like a total passive-aggressive asshole that is in only for the money.
And if someone else does it faster than you and better then why bother with this manga? I know that people in your circlejerk might ask you for it but, hey, someone is doing it at a better pace, with better scans and quality of translations than you, hell, even type-setting is better. There's other mangas that don't even touch the light of the day because they aren't translated, why not try with those instead? We don't need an ego-driven translator that only does good at throwing drama and asking for money. But you do you, my dude, I guess e-fame is more important than delivering something that is better than what a bunch of randoms that don't even ask for money do. @Confused
Feb 4, 2018
Imagine complaining that you have to release more chapters because another group is doing what you wouldn't. On top of that, then trying to get people to sympathize with you by saying how much you're sacrificing to get the job done when a bunch of people on /a/ can do it just as well if not better. If you loved the series so much why were you so slow in the first place? Did your love suddenly increase when you realized that others were threatening your e-fame?

If you love the series just let your work do the talking instead of feeling the need to let everyone know how much supposed blood, sweat and tears you're putting into this.


Jan 18, 2018
Let's make Akebi-chan the next scanlation war since we got so many chapters out of this one.
Nov 28, 2018
wow people are seriously racing to release this thing
P/s: this arc will be a hell out of a ride i can tell
Active member
Sep 26, 2018
This is great. I didn't even know the japanese manga was so many chapters ahead. Keep this up. This is awesome.
Jan 28, 2018
Witnessed full scale scanlation warfare at the end of the year... I have no regrets now. xD

Thank you for your tremendous efforts Anon and Dropout.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
To be honest dropout only catches up with anon because they need to get back those *latest chapter views* when their hostage chapters are being rescued, just like Jet Yau. I doubtless believe they will not touch chapter 57 until they finish their LQ speed releases.
Jan 21, 2018
This is why scanlation groups don't need a monopoly on translating mangas jaiminisbox does it with most shonen jump titles holding them hostage. But see when 2 different groups does it, it lights fire under the ass of the original group scanlating it.

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