Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet

Jan 19, 2019
300 comments... There is a hole in my heart... Nothing to look up to, nothing to be excited at, nothing.
Sep 7, 2019
Great art, cheerful story with some heart touching moment, and no drag too. A wonderful read, I'll miss Inuzuka, Juliet and the gang.
Active member
Apr 7, 2019
Quite late, but just finished reading the last chapter. I've been following this since the very beginning. It is definitely one of my fav rom-com manga glad to see that the author is able to fit in a promising ending.
Jan 12, 2019
So I'm confused. Apparently there's more to come? There's still 16 chapters to be released in volumes, enough for 2 volumes, there will be an 16th and 17th volume according to some people. I assume we'll get those via the official translation at some point right, when it catches up that is?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 14, 2018
@Darudius chapter 112 to 119 is volume 16 which will release on nov 15/16, there is supposed to be a epilogue chapter in it too i think, that just it.
Jan 18, 2018
Since the final volume is releasing tomorrow, I wonder how long it'll be before we get the epilogue chapter.
Mar 10, 2019
sometimes good manga need the ending, I know that prolong the series will be bad idea even though I still want more...😭😭😭😭
Apr 5, 2018
I'd rate this manga a 6/10 overall.
My thoughts on the series itself and the ending (and how It'd be more satisfying.) :
Was nice to kill time but eh, defo could have expanded more on the actual West vs. Touwa conflict, more focus on the side-characters that didn't revolve around Inuzuka(We barely got anything on the 3rd year prefects, wtf even happened to Scott?), maybe could have gone as a more explicit battle manga considering everyone seemed to have superhuman strength for some reason (I think this is what the author was going for with the mention of 'alchemy' in one of the early chapters but then decided to abandon it?)

Also, I probably shouldn't expect top notch political drama from a fluffy romcom, but all the difficulties involved in the forbidden relationship are very conveniently solved by having a literal princess bail them out. Not to mention that the change in the West-Touwa relations rippled downwards from the aristocrats, with normal people presented as hateful racists which could have been handled alot more gracefully. Like, the war had been over for decades, the regular people don't really have actual beef with the Touwans.
Also, anytime the mangaka had an actual interesting choice for the MCs to make, he basically gives them an easy way out (Like when Inuzukas and Juliet's relationship is revealed by Leon) Let them struggle, let them get expelled, confront their ugly political reality directly.

The White Cats and Black Dogs also had a 'frenemy' vibe from the start. IMO, there should be real reasons for the hate between them. It'd probably make this manga too dark if it had more realistic and less goofy violence though. (Like Maru and his crew in chapter 1 and his box cutter knife slicing up Juliet's clothes.)

To be fair, the scale of the Touwa-West conflict is global, so there wasn't likely to be any 'clean' way to wrap the story up. Maybe if the mangaka made Touwa-West relationships frowned upon, but not like something that would ruin your whole life. I guess that'd also take away alot of the gravity of what Inuzuka and Juliet are doing in their world, but it could just be a jumping off point into exploring the wider Touwa vs. West conflict and its consequences. (e.g. Why are there Touwa 'radicals' on Dahlia that want to kidnap the princess, what's their motive? Since they're presumably not government forces, why are there Touwa paramilitaries just lurking around? EXPLORE THIS)
To sum it up (with no spoilers) : lots of loose ends, easy solutions and nothing really interesting done with the setting. A little more thorough exploration of class war and xenophobia would have made this manga a lot more interesting. (All we really got was "uhhhh there was a war a couple decades back so Touwans and Westians hate each other" and "poor people = hateful racists, rich people = benevolent cosmopolitans")

It's a decent romcom, but if you've read anything in the genre you've seen all of this before. It's unique aspects weren't really explored, but if you just want comfy, easy reading here it is.
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
I would say this is a very solid 8/10.
Good comedy, story,romance and art. Interesting characters. Overall I'm glad I invested my time on this manga !
Double-page supporter
Mar 13, 2019
After consistently reading this for about 37 chapters now, I do somewhat agree with BluePhentagram in regards to the genericness of the setting (asking for higher class wars and acts of xenophobia for a series that's mainly lighthearted is a bit much, though). There isn't really anything setting Dahlia apart from school settings in general, let alone ones in romcoms, and while we do get nuggets of info about Touwa's culture, we're given very little knowledge as to what exactly are the West's customs beyond Persia's family (and at the point of writing this, even THAT isn't much detailed aside from her history with her father and Char). While this is ultimately moreso character-driven than something that focuses heavily on the general world and events, it definitely stings we never get any REAL in-depth reason as to why exactly the two houses act this way through side stories and the like.

That being said, I do think everything else about this - especially the art and shot composition - more than carry this. I don't even mind how Inuzuka's main focal point is his large affection for Persia, cause it makes for a good wheel of development on how to become a better person for not only Persia, but his own sake as well. Also, if I was able to read this for 37 onward non-stop regardless, that should mean something, right?

EDIT: Finished it in a single day, very much loved it. I still think it has some flaws, but again, everything else makes up for this. Inuzuka's a fantastic protagonist as well
Nov 9, 2019
as a lot of people have pointed out, this series was far from being perfect. but i had such a blast reading it that it didn't really matter. 😊 9/10

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