Kitaku Tochuu de Yome to Musume ga Dekita n dakedo, Dragon datta. - Vol. 2 Ch. 6

Jun 23, 2018
Looks similar to the LN but I wonder why they didn't include his little brother in the shopping arc. The cat-girl has the hots for the little brother and ask MC to hand him over xD
Jan 28, 2018
It's not fair!!!!! I.... I loved him so much... that I never said jack shit about it to him, and probably never would have, until you stole him away from me!! Stole... yes, you stole him! It doesn't matter that neither you or him had any idea that I liked him, because I called dibs, reserving him for all eternity... Or at least until after 100 chapters the manga is cancelled and I still haven't made my move, because that's just how it works!!!
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
If MC were my son, I'd tell him, glasses girl had her chance. Dragon girl might be lacking, rack-wise, but she seems sincere enough in her love, and there are fates much worse than being loved by a beautiful and sincere woman.

I'd tell him that sure, there are mysteries, especially in terms of what could have happened between MC and glasses girl had they ever got together. But, as the father of three kids, I swear you'd gain a lot more on loving the beautiful woman who is already in front of you, who is brave enough to admit she fell in love with you at first sight. Nurture that relationship, boy, cuz when a woman feels loved, there ain't nothing she wouldn't do.

What I'm saying is, don't be greedy, boy. Be brave and let the past stay in the past. Take good care of what you already have with you.


Dec 17, 2018
"but she seems sincere enough in her love, and there are fates much worse than being loved by a beautiful and sincere woman."

which love? its more crush or stalker like feelings

chapter 3 page 10/11

Aoi is only lonely
I guess her Mother is permanent gone or death
Dex-chan lover
Jun 27, 2018
Lesson learned..

Just because you are her/his childhood friend, doesn't mean she/he will be yours.
Double-page supporter
Jun 21, 2018
we know how this story goes childhood friends will forever remain childhood friends 🤣
Fed-Kun's army
May 5, 2018
He has a wife, like legit wife and children. Eventho it was an accident but he still fertilized those eggs, so technically and fantasy-biologically he's their father. and it was his decision to take full responsibility. and then suddenly one childhood thot appeared outta nowhere, he shouldn't be swayed that easily right?
Aggregator gang
Jun 19, 2018
While his family disowning him may not happen, society as a whole would probably judge him.

The dragons are rare and most people don't necessarily know a lot about them, especially the way they reproduce.
As such, the many people are going to think that he's some asshole who screwed up, got a girl pregnant, and now refuses to take responsibility.

In Japan, there is a stigma against illegitimate children. It was only in 2013 that they got rid of a law that made it so children born out of wedlock would only receive half as much in inheritance compared to those born in wedlock. (Presumably if the parent in question hadn't actually written up a will, and the inheritance was being decided by the state)
On the flipside, the stigma is softening, as evidenced by the fact that the reforms went through. Said reforms had first been suggested by the Legislative Council of the Japanese Ministry of Justice back in 1996, and were strongly opposed.

Japan isn't unique in having such a stigma:
-In some areas of Africa, the equivalent of flipping someone the bird is to point the palm of your hand towards them and spread all five digits, with the meaning being "You have five fathers", a.k.a. you're illegitimate because nobody knows who your real father is.

-Until 1983, being illegitimate was considered by the Catholic Church to be an impediment to ordination or receiving Holy Orders, meaning a man who was illegitimate needed to gain special permission if they wanted to become a priest, and anyone who was illegitimate needed special permission to become a monk or nun (Granted, part of the reason for these rules were because, in the distant past, noblemen often sent their illegitimate sons off to become monks or priests, so the rules were meant to prevent the Church from becoming a dumping ground for the illegitimate children of nobles).

-Becoming pregnant out of wedlock is one of the many things that can cause so-called "honour" killings.

-The word "bastard" and its equivalents are considered insults in many languages.
Aggregator gang
Jan 18, 2018
Drama be drama'd.

Dragongirl be a little crazy with her possessiveness. Understandable though, considering how lonely she has been.

Oppaimegane be a little spiteful because she got blind-sided. Understandable though, considering she's still a teenager and probably isn't the most mature individual ever.

Dudebro be a little thick considering how obvious this sort of conversation was going to go down. Understandable though, since he's probably never dealt with shit like this before.

I accept the drama as reasonable. Carry on.
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018

From a third party point of view, it is easy for you to spot who is doing what, and come to certain conclusions.

But, when you're the one facing the women, it's never that easy. Even if you think you can see the situation clearly, chances are good you'd miss something, because you're just too close to the problem.

What I'm saying is that we humans can only think based on what we can see in front of us. For all intents and purposes, Dragon Girl is in love with MC. MC can only make his decisions based on what is in front of him. What does the future hold? Who knows.

I learned this from my own experience. The person I thought I loved turned out to be unlike how I thought she was, even though, when we met, everything seemed like a fairy tale. My circumstance back then was much better than what MC is going through at the moment. Still, didn't work out. I didn't know enough, I only FELT like I knew enough.

@TTX, you might be an all-knowing being, who could read the minds and hearts of those who stand before you, but for me, I gotta work with what I know. So, my advice to MC, or to anyone who would listen, is go with Dragon Girl.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@TheBlueCat gezz, did ya have to come off as so condescending at the end there?

As he is a teenager with little to no real idea whats going to happen to him in the future, his best bet is to choose NO ONE and just do whats best for the kids and he gets a better idea of what kind of person the dragon girl is. He has no reason to love her, he's just there for the kids. In fact, those children are the only people placing his love with right now. Not the two women who are fighting over him, regardless of his feelings on the matter. They're both more childish than the children....

I've seen and heard about plenty of relationships that end sour because they decide to marry right out of high school at 16-17 years old. He is TOO young to making a decision like this that ruin his life forever. He should really just make this clear that he unsure about all this . That way, they can start off as friends and move from there.

Honestly though, that's probably not what's going to happen. She just going keep making decisions about there relationship and he's just not gonna anything and go along with it. In reality, the dragon girl would eventually figure out there relationship wasn't what she thought it was. Only pain awaits relationships with such lousy communication. However, this a manga, so everything will work out in this relationship and they WILL have a fairytale ending~~~

If i was his dad, I'd tell him "Son, you need you need do whats best for these kids and leave both of these women out your life. The moment we figure out a support these kids without this random women that calls you her husband she's out of here.

Then I need you to get a better education, so you can support these kids without our full aide. Don't worry, me and your mom know this situation is 100% not your fault. As long as you apply yourself and work hard, we will support you in this difficult, social DAMNING, and completely crazy point in your life."
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018

Well, to each, their own. You said that I was being condescending, when in fact I am accounting for the fact that life is hard, and it is much, much harder if you're alone.

Some people think being alone is the same as being strong, but I disagree. I used to believe this as well, and although I am still an introvert who prefers to spend time only with my family, I wish I had known earlier that I would have had a lot of fun with someone who wanted to be with me. If anybody, be it my child or stranger, is faced with the opportunity to find that someone for themselves, I would ask them to not be shy about hooking up properly.

So here, MC is being presented with an opportunity to have someone in his life who treasures him, who would support him one day as he supported her. If he's not seeing anyone else, why not?

Is he too young? Maybe, maybe not. Could he choose to dump Dragon Girl and the babies? Yes. But he could also choose to show compassion instead, and just stick with it. There are many ways of handling the situation; the one where MC puts his feet down so firmly that not even Thanos could make him budge an inch is just one of the many ways, and it might not even be the best way.

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