Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - A Reason to Like Something

Apr 5, 2020
I like the translator he is accurate and I also love this manga keep it up thank you for taking out of your time and releasing it Thank you !
Dex-chan lover
Nov 14, 2019
@comeonnow0 The trope page helped me understand why the whole “sweets” thing was so common in manga and anime, but in any case from a Western perspective it is a bit strange.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@bananaboy To be fair, the TV Tropes page talks about how even when it is true in real life and in Japan specifically, this is exaggerated.

Even in Japan, this is only partially Truth in Television; many men openly like sweet foods and will happily eat them in public. It is, however, generally assumed that women like their sweet stuff sweeter and more elaborate.

I didn't mention this to @FredFriendly before because it's pretty clear that person has their head up their ass.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@comeonnow0 It's so exciting to know that you are so adversely affected by me that you can't help yourself but talk about me. I feel honored. Too bad you need some lessons on improving your ability to insult people instead of using such blasé, run-of-the-mill, overused and very ineffective insults. It would also be a good idea for you to read A Kids' Guide to Manners.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
@sleepyfoxscanlations Muscat is a grape (and a place), but might it have been Muscot? That's nutmeg in English, and considerably more common as a donut flavor. (As in - I could find it when googling, I've never had either of them ;)
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@FredFriendly Let us recap what actually happened.

You thanked the translator for using a Japanese word like "sankyuu" instead of a "non-Japanese word". I then pointed out how nonsensical that is, and in closing, I specifically stated that I apologized if it seemed like I was being antagonistic as that was not my intention (since text does not convey tone very well). On a separate subject, I wrote about how I didn't understand the fairly Japanese-specific trope of not liking sweets.

Despite all of that, you took it upon yourself to be quite honestly hypocritical and pathetic. And that's where we are now.
Group Leader
Nov 8, 2019
@Simpleton Hm, that may have been it. I'm ashamed that I didn't know the word, seeing as how I'm a viewer of the biggest nutmeg lover of all time on Youtube, Townsends. I was just referring to my dictionary that probably doesn't have specialized enough entries to have that, and Muscat (grape) came up. To top it off (get it? Because donuts...sorry...), I even assumed it was Mascarpone on the first page and didn't think to change it when I read Muscat/Muscot later on. I could see either being a fancy donut flavor though, so I'm still not too sure haha. I'll add a note about it in the next chapter!

P.S. Though upon googling I see the native name is also Muscat nut? In that case the spelling and sentence would be fine, and just my note would be wrong, which would be slightly better than the actual line being wrong in the manga. Either way, thank you so much for the heads up.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
@sleepyfoxscanlations If it is Muscat nut as well, then the circle is closed for sure XD

(I assumed that if it had been muscat you ought to have found it, and locally it's Muskot, so I guessed wrong rather than look things up.)

Thank you for your hard work, and enjoy your donut nutmeg (domeg?)
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@comeonnow0 I'm thrilled to the bone that you have, once again, failed to insult me despite your ardent, repetitive efforts! Keep 'em coming, though you know we might get in trouble for derailing the thread if we keep meeting like this...
Group Leader
Nov 8, 2019
@Simpleton I just found many pages about the wine grape and the location :x. And thanks again, it makes a lot of sense and it's great learning new things.

Also now I have a serious donut craving.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@FredFriendly Yeah, totally my goal to insult you. I care so much about that. My only goal was to show how sad you are, and I think you've already done that job for me.
May 23, 2020
I just wanna take a moment and say a thank you to all the sanclators, even if people say it's a bad thing to do, these scans were the reason I started to read manga, started to learn japanese and now I started trying to buy at least one oficial volume from every series I read through scans to support the creators. So anyways THANK YOU! :)
Group Leader
Nov 8, 2019
@PedroContinuous It's great that you support the creators! And yeah, fan work is what got me into this stuff too. If I didn't believe it were a net positive, at least in most cases, I wouldn't be doing it myself. Thanks for taking the time to leave a message!
Sep 18, 2019
"Sankyu" was a good choice. I assume it's similar to what we English/Chinese speakers refer to as "Chinglish" which is basically a mix of languages.
Xie xie - thanks in Chinese.
Thank you - Obv English
Sankyuu - It's kind of a youthful and informal way

It's a cultural thing which doesn't translate well, but I guess it's like me saying "gracias~!" to a fellow non-Spanish speaker.

The translation of page 9 confused me though. Connecting the verbally spoken words it becomes: "Do you like them? Donuts" "Not really, I just... about as much as I like you, maybe". Which seems rude, lol.
I interpreted it in my mind as "I just... like you" or "I just... like seeing you enjoy them".
Group Leader
Nov 8, 2019
@DatOneGuy The thing about ellipses is that sometimes the words that come afterward are connected to the ones that came before... and sometimes they aren't really connected. In this case, he changes tacks, which you can kind of see with his thought process in the intervening panels. And we know he's head over heels for her, so he's saying he doesn't normally (or didn't previously) like donuts much, but now he might love them, because he loves her. Maybe my brain is too fluffy but I thought it worked.

I tried to make it more obvious with "I just..." and then leading into his thoughts, but truth be told, I did have some difficulty figuring out how to phrase that entire section.


Well, I barely speak Chinese (though my parents still speak it to me pretty often), so that's about all I can muster up relatively easily. It's also simplified because I've just started "properly" learning it on Duolingo to reconnect with my heritage a little, and that's what they've got.
Sep 18, 2019
Oh nice, that's cool! I kinda guess that most people here are Asian-Americans, based on the demographic of manga readers. And then your username makes me think of a Wuxia Novel where SleepyFox is a character in the story.

Ah, yea I see his verbal words fade into his thoughts. And I'm guessing his thoughts fade back into verbal words?

PS, thanks for the reply and the translation work! I wouldn't be able to enjoy this fluff without your work!
Group Leader
Nov 8, 2019
@DatOneGuy I think manga readers come from all over the place, haha. Though yeah, many of the people who do send me messages seem to be Southeast or otherwise Asian coincidentally. I know there are readers from practically every country though, which is pretty awesome. And oh wow, had no idea there was a Wuxia novel character called SleepyFox, that's an interesting coincidence.

Yeah he kind of makes a loop there— or at least that's how I interpreted it. Since I'm not the mangaka, I could be wrong xD.

Lastly, glad you enjoy the fluff ;3.
Sep 7, 2019
Adult love can be quite enjoyable too! Kiss when you feel like it, stay together when the moment is right. It's so free spirited!

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